Thread: Need a second opinion - code error and i cant see it

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Need a second opinion - code error and i cant see it


    just need a second opinion to help see whats wrong with my code. im trying to drop a piece to the bottom of the row. im using avr studio 4

    please see attached file


  2. #2
    Kernel hacker
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    What are the symptoms?

    Compilers can produce warnings - make the compiler programmers happy: Use them!
    Please don't PM me for help - and no, I don't do help over instant messengers.

  3. #3
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    im getting 22 error codes every second trial, and sometimes it doesnt stop building, or to be awesome, it doesnt compile at all

  4. #4
    Cogito Ergo Sum
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    Sydney, Australia
    Just post it like this:

    [CODE] [CODE]

    else { if (c == ' ')
    					   board_updated = 1;
    				        while (board_updated == 1);  
    						    (vara = attempt_drop_piece_one_row() ); 
    				            if(vara == 1 ) 
    						          	board_updated = 1;
    					        else  board_updated = 0; 
    					        }  // end while loop
    //					   fix_piece_to_board();}   // end else if
    					   }  }
    			     }   // end if
    if this is int8_t attempt_drop_piece_one_row(void) {
    	** Check if the piece has
    	** reached the bottom of the board. Nothing to do in this
    	** case - return false.. 
    	if(piece_row_num == 0) {
    		return 0;
    	** Check whether the piece would intersect with any board
    	** pieces if it dropped one position 
    	if(piece_overlap(&current_piece, piece_row_num - 1)) {
    		return 0;
    	** Only get here if piece drop would succeed - make it happen
    	return 1;

  5. #5
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    so its just how i entered it thats making all the errors?

  6. #6
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Please use an attachment or inline your assignment / work.

    Don't use a proprietary file format which only a subset of people can read, and which is a known vector for malware.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  7. #7
    Kernel hacker
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfootneedhelp View Post
    im getting 22 error codes every second trial, and sometimes it doesnt stop building, or to be awesome, it doesnt compile at all
    1. We need to see ALL of the code, not just a few lines [using the code-tags, as JFonseka pointed out]
    2. We'd need at least the first few error messages.

    I can see lots of syntax problems.

    if this is int8_t attempt_drop_piece_one_row(void)
    The red text above will certainly confuse the compiler - what are you trying to do here?

    Compilers can produce warnings - make the compiler programmers happy: Use them!
    Please don't PM me for help - and no, I don't do help over instant messengers.

  8. #8
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    alright i'll try get it together

  9. #9
    Cogito Ergo Sum
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    Sydney, Australia
    A lot of these lines look really wrong. And they are mainly syntax errors as matsp said.

    else { if (c == ' ')
    Do you mean: else if (c == ' ') {

    Here as well:

    if(vara == 1 )
    board_updated = 1;
    else board_updated = 0;
    } // end while loop
    It should probably be:

    if (vara == 1) {
      board_updated = 1;
    } else {
          board_updated = 0;
    Please use an editor like Context if you can't style out the code properly.

    It will do the auto formatting for you.
    Last edited by JFonseka; 10-25-2007 at 03:35 AM.

  10. #10
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    ** board.c
    ** Written by Peter Sutton
    ** Board data is stored in an array of rowtype (which is wide enough
    ** to hold a bit for each column). The bits of the rowtype
    ** represent whether that square is occupied or not (a 1 indicates
    ** occupied). The least significant BOARD_WIDTH bits are used. The
    ** least significant bit is on the right.
    #include "board.h"
    #include "pieces.h"
    #include "timer.h"
    #include "score.h"
    #include "led_display.h"
    ** Function prototypes.
    ** Board.h has the prototypes for functions in this module which
    ** are available externally, and because we include "board.h" above
    ** we do not need to repeat those prototypes.
    int8_t piece_overlap(piece_type* piece, int8_t row_num);
    void check_for_completed_rows(void);
    ** Global variables
    rowtype    board[BOARD_ROWS];
    piece_type current_piece;	/* Current dropping piece */
    int8_t     piece_row_num;	/* Current row number of the bottom of
    							** the current piece, -1 if have 
    							** no current piece  */
    ** Initialise board - no pieces (i.e. set the row data to contain
    ** all zeroes.)
    void init_board(void) {
    	int8_t i;
    	for(i=0; i < BOARD_ROWS; i++) {
    		board[i] = 0;
    	/* -1 in piece_row_num indicates no current piece
    	piece_row_num = -1;	
    ** Copy board to LED display. Note that difference in definitions of
    ** rows and columns for the board and the LED display. The Tetris board
    ** has 15 rows (numbered from the bottom), each 7 bits wide (with the 
    ** 7 columns numbered as per the bits - i.e. least significant (0) on 
    ** the right). The LED display has 7 rows (0 at the top, 6 at the bottom) 
    ** with 15 columns (numbered from 0 at the bottom to 14 at the top).
    void copy_board_to_led_display(void) {
    	/* The board has BOARD_ROWS (e.g. 15), each of width BOARD_WIDTH.
    	** Board row 0 corresponds to LED display column bit 0 etc.
    	** The function updates our LED display to reflect the 
    	** current state of the board.
    	int8_t board_row_num;
    	int8_t board_col_num;
    	uint16_t led_display_row;
    	for(board_col_num = 0; board_col_num < BOARD_WIDTH; board_col_num++) {
    		led_display_row = 0;
    		for(board_row_num = BOARD_ROWS-1; board_row_num >= 0; board_row_num--) {
    			led_display_row <<=1;
    			led_display_row |= (board[board_row_num]>>board_col_num)&1;
    			/* If the current piece covers this row - add it in also. */
    			if(piece_row_num >= 0 && board_row_num >= piece_row_num &&
    					board_row_num < (piece_row_num + current_piece.y_dimension)) {
    				led_display_row |= 
    						((current_piece.rowdata[board_row_num - piece_row_num]
    		/* Copy this row to the LED display. Lower LED display 
    		** row numbers correspond to higher board column numbers
    		display[6-board_col_num] = led_display_row;
    ** Checks whether have current piece
    int8_t have_current_piece(void) {
    	return (piece_row_num != -1);
    ** Add random piece, return false (0) if we can't add the piece - this
    ** means the game is over.
    int8_t add_random_piece(void) {
    	current_piece = generate_random_piece();
    	/* We add the piece at a position that ensures it will fit on 
    	** the board, even if rotated (i.e. we check it's maximum
    	** dimension and come down that many rows).
    	** This allows rotation without worrying
    	** about whether the piece will end up off the top of the 
    	** board or not.
    	if(current_piece.x_dimension > current_piece.y_dimension) {
    		piece_row_num = BOARD_ROWS - current_piece.x_dimension;
    	} else {
    		piece_row_num = BOARD_ROWS - current_piece.y_dimension;
    	if(piece_overlap(&current_piece, piece_row_num)) {
    		/* Game is over */
    		piece_row_num = -1; /* no current piece */
    		return 0;
    	} else {
    		return 1;
    ** Attempt to move the current piece to the left or right. 
    ** This succeeds if
    ** (1) the piece isn't all the way to the side, and
    ** (2) the board contains no pieces in that position.
    ** Returns 1 if move successful, 0 otherwise.
    int8_t attempt_move(int8_t direction) {	
    	piece_type backup_piece;
    	** Make a copy of our piece in its current position (in case
    	** we need to restore it)
    	copy_piece(&current_piece, &backup_piece);
    	** Move the piece template left/right, if possible (will only 
    	** fail if the piece is up against the side).
    	if(direction == MOVE_LEFT) {
    		if(!move_piece_left(&current_piece)) {
    			return 0;
    	} else {
    		if(!move_piece_right(&current_piece)) {
    			return 0;
    	** If we get here, piece is not at edge.
    	** Check that the board will allow a move (i.e. the pieces
    	** won't overlap).
    	if(piece_overlap(&current_piece, piece_row_num)) {
    		** Current board position does not allow move.
    		** Restore original piece
    		copy_piece(&backup_piece, &current_piece);
    		return 0;
    	/* Move has been made - return success */
    	return 1;
    ** Attempt to drop the piece by one row. This succeeds unless there
    ** are squares blocked on the row below or we're at the bottom of
    ** the board. Returns 1 if drop succeeded, 
    ** 0 otherwise. (If the drop fails, the caller should add the piece
    ** to the board.)
    int8_t attempt_drop_piece_one_row(void) {
    	** Check if the piece has
    	** reached the bottom of the board. Nothing to do in this
    	** case - return false.. 
    	if(piece_row_num == 0) {
    		return 0;
    	** Check whether the piece would intersect with any board
    	** pieces if it dropped one position 
    	if(piece_overlap(&current_piece, piece_row_num - 1)) {
    		return 0;
    	** Only get here if piece drop would succeed - make it happen
    	return 1;
    ** Attempt to rotate the piece clockwise 90 degrees. Returns 1 if the
    ** rotation is successful, 0 otherwise (e.g. a piece on the board
    ** blocks the rotation).
    int8_t attempt_rotation(void) {
    	/* We calculate what the rotated piece would look like, 
    	** then compute if it would interect with any board pieces
    	piece_type backup_piece;
    	** Make a copy of our piece in its current orientation (in case
    	** we need to restore it)
    	copy_piece(&current_piece, &backup_piece);
    	** Attempt rotation (will only fail if too close to right hand
    	** side)
    	if(!rotate_piece(&current_piece)) {
    		return 0;
    	** Need to check if rotated piece will intersect with existing
    	** pieces. If yes, restore old piece and return failure
    	if(piece_overlap(&current_piece, piece_row_num)) {
    		** Current board position does not allow move.
    		** Restore original piece
    		copy_piece(&backup_piece, &current_piece);
    		return 0;
    	/* Move has been made - return success */
    	return 1;
    ** Add piece to board at its current position. We do this using a
    ** bitwise OR for each row that contains the piece.
    void fix_piece_to_board(void) {
    	int8_t i;
    	for(i=0; i < current_piece.y_dimension; i++) {
    		board[piece_row_num + i] |= current_piece.rowdata[i];
    	** Indicate that we no longer have a current piece
    	piece_row_num = -1;
    #define COMPLETED_ROW ((1<<BOARD_WIDTH)-1)
    void check_for_completed_rows(void) {
    	int8_t i, j;
    	for(i = 0; i < BOARD_ROWS; )
    		// check if row is completed
    			// let j = the row, loop through j to board_rows,
    			// moving each row (j+1) down one (j), and insert a null row at the top
    			j = i;
    			for(; j < BOARD_ROWS; ++j)
    				board[j] = board[j+1];
    			// the top row = BOARD_ROWS-1 ( remember, arrays start at zero )
    			board[BOARD_ROWS-1] = 0;		// if 0 means an empty row
    			// board[i] is actually a new row, so we don't increment i as this
    			// would mean that we wouldn't check the new "i" row.
    			++i;		// increment i, that row isn't completed
    	/* Suggested approach is to iterate over all the rows (0 to
    	** BOARD_ROWS -1)in the board and check if the row is all ones
    	** i.e. matches ((1 << BOARD_WIDTH) - 1).
    	** If a row of all ones is found, the rows above the current
    	** one should all be moved down one position and a zero row 
    	** inserted at the top. 
    	** Repeat this process if more than one completed row is
    	** found.
    	** e.g. if rows 2 and 4 are completed (all ones), then
    	** rows 0 and 1 at the bottom will remain unchanged
    	** old row 3 becomes row 2
    	** old row 5 becomes row 3
    	** old row 6 becomes row 4 
    	** ...
    	** old row BOARD_ROWS - 1 becomes row BOARD_ROWS - 3;
    	** row BOARD_ROWS - 2 (second top row) is set to 0
    	** row BOARD_ROWS - 1 (top row) is set to 0
    ** Check whether the given piece will intersect with pieces already on the
    ** board (assuming the piece is placed at the given row number).
    int8_t piece_overlap(piece_type* piece, int8_t row_num) {
    	int8_t row;
    	for(row=0; row < piece->y_dimension; row++) {
    		if(piece->rowdata[row] & board[row_num + row]) {
    			/* Got an intersection (AND is non-zero) */
    			return 1;
    	return 0;
     * FILE: project.c
     * This is the main file.
     * Written by Peter Sutton
    #include "board.h"
    #include "pieces.h"
    #include "led_display.h"
    #include "score.h"
    #include "serialio.h"
    #include "terminalio.h"
    #include "timer.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <avr/interrupt.h>
    #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
    ** Function prototypes - these are defined below main()
    void new_game(void);
    void splash_screen(void);
    void handle_game_over(void);
    void time_increment(void);
    volatile uint8_t time_passed_flag;
     * main -- Main program.
    int main(void) {
    	uint8_t board_updated = 1;
    	uint8_t chars_into_escape_sequence = 0;
    	uint8_t vara = 0;
    	uint8_t varb = 0;
    	char c;
    	/* Initialise our main clock */
    	/* Initialise serial I/O */
    	init_serial_stdio(19200, 0);
    	/* Make the display_row() function be called every 2ms */
    	start_sw_timer(0, 2, display_row, 0);
    	/* Make the time_increment() function be called every 0.5s.
    	** This function will just set the time_passed_flag to 1.
    	start_sw_timer(1, 500, time_increment, 0);
    	** Turn on interrupts (needed for timer to work)
    	** Display splash screen 
    	** Perform necessary initialisations for a new game.
    	** Event loop - wait for a certain amount of time to pass (depending on how
    	** we've initialised the timer) or wait
    	** for a character to arrive from standard input. The time_passed_flag
    	** is set within the timer interrupt handler (whenever our time target
    	** is reached).
    	for(;;) {
    		if(time_passed_flag) {
    			time_passed_flag = 0;
    			if(have_current_piece()) {
    				** Attempt to drop current piece by one row
    				board_updated = attempt_drop_piece_one_row();
    				if(!board_updated) {
    					/* Couldn't drop piece - add to board */
    					board_updated = 1;
    			} else {
    				** No current piece - add one
    				if(add_random_piece()) {
    					/* Addition of piece succeeded */
    					board_updated = 1;
    				} else {
    					/* Addition failed - game over */
    		if(input_available()) {
    			/* Read the input from our terminal and handle it */
    			c = fgetc(stdin);			
    			if(chars_into_escape_sequence == 0 && c == '\x1b') {
    				** Received ESCAPE character - we're one character into
    				** an escape sequence
    				chars_into_escape_sequence = 1;
    			} else if(chars_into_escape_sequence == 1 && c == '[') {
    				** We're two characters into an escape sequence
    				chars_into_escape_sequence = 2;
    			} else if (chars_into_escape_sequence == 2 && c >= 'A' && c <= 'D'
    					&& have_current_piece()) {
    				** Have received a cursor key escape sequence - process it if
    				** we have a current piece - otherwise ignore it
    				if(c == 'A') {
    					/* Cursor up key pressed - Rotate piece if possible */
    					board_updated = attempt_rotation();
    				} else if(c == 'B') {
    					/* Cursor down key pressed - Drop piece if possible */
    					board_updated = attempt_drop_piece_one_row();
    					if(!board_updated) {
    						/* Couldn't drop piece - add to board */
    						board_updated = 1;
    				} else if(c == 'C') {
    					/* Cursor right key pressed - Move right if possible */
    					board_updated = attempt_move(MOVE_RIGHT);
    				} else {	/* c == 'D' */
    					/* Presume that cursor left key pressed - move left if possible */
    					board_updated = attempt_move(MOVE_LEFT);
    				/* We're no longer part way through an escape sequence */
    				chars_into_escape_sequence = 0; 
    			} else if(chars_into_escape_sequence) {
    				** We started an escape sequence but didn't get a character
    				** we recognised - discard it and assume that we're not
    				** in an escape sequence.
    				chars_into_escape_sequence = 0;
    			} else {
    				** Some other character received. Handle it (or ignore it).
    				if (c == 'N' || c == 'n'){
    				   new_game()	;
    				   main();} //}
    			   	else { if (c == ' ')
    					   board_updated = 1;
    				        while (board_updated == 1);  
    						    (vara = attempt_drop_piece_one_row() ); 
    				            if(vara == 1 ) 
    						          	board_updated = 1;
    					        else  board_updated = 0; 
    					        }  // end while loop
    //					   fix_piece_to_board();}   // end else if
    					   }  }
    			     }   // end if
    				** AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. You may need to 
    				** add code in other locations also.
    		if(board_updated) {
    			** Update display of board since its appearance has changed.
    			board_updated = 0;
    void time_increment(void) {
    	/* Function that gets called when a certain amount of time passes */
    	time_passed_flag = 1;
    void new_game(void) {
    	** Initialise the board and the screen
    	** Display some suitable message to the user that includes your name(s).
    	** You may need to use terminalio functions to position the cursor appropriately.
    	/* Add software delay here. Use a software timer that counts to a certain value
    	** and wait for it to finish. Consider use of the wait_for_sw_timer_wraparound() 
    	** function.
    void dummy_timer_func(void) {}
    void splash_screen(void) {
    	/* Clear the terminal screen */
    	/* YOUR CODE HERE - replace the following */
    	move_cursor(30, 0);
    	printf_P(PSTR("Tetris \n")) ;
    	printf_P(PSTR("Xavia Troeger \n")) ;
    	printf_P(PSTR("41407563 \n")) ;
    	start_sw_timer(3, 2000, dummy_timer_func, 0);
    	draw_horizontal_line(15, 0, 78) ;
    	move_cursor(0, 17);
    void handle_game_over(void) {
    	/* Print "Game over" to the terminal */
    	printf_P(PSTR("Game over"));
    	/* Stop our timer (means we won't be attempting to drop pieces */

    ok. the update is that
    1. no more error messages
    2. the while loop isnt running properly
    3. i want the loop to work
    4. i want the piece to drop until it hits the bottom or untill it hits another piece and then i want it to be fixed there

    i think thats everything...

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Oct 2007
    how's it looking?

  12. #12
    Cogito Ergo Sum
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    Sydney, Australia
    Well I am pretty sure you didn't code that yourself. So either you copied it wrongly and that's why the while loop isn't working, or you mistakenly edited it.

    I am not sure about this, check with someone else, but I don't think that while loop needs a ";"

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFonseka View Post
    Well I am pretty sure you didn't code that yourself. So either you copied it wrongly and that's why the while loop isn't working, or you mistakenly edited it.

    I am not sure about this, check with someone else, but I don't think that while loop needs a ";"
    i coded the loop myself, however i was given the rest yes.

  14. #14
    Cogito Ergo Sum
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfootneedhelp View Post
    i coded the loop myself, however i was given the rest yes.
    Err syntax?

    while (board_updated == 1){
        (vara = attempt_drop_piece_one_row());
           if(vara == 1 ){
                board_updated = 1;
           }else {  
              board_updated = 0;
             }  // end ELSE
        }        // end WHILE
    Your code is really hard to follow, I think that should be it though.
    Last edited by JFonseka; 10-25-2007 at 04:31 AM.

  15. #15
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    avr studio just stopped running
    i think part of the problem lies there
    thanks for all the suggestions and ideas
    i'd really appreciate it if you kept them coming

    regards, bigfootneedhelp

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