Thread: some help needed

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    some help needed

    Hi, This is a small section of my code which is developed to get an image and store it in an array blah blah and flip the image horizontally and vertically (which works perfectly), however the program also needs to scroll the image horizontally and vertically which i dont know how to do,... can some one please let me know how to do that or at least point me towards the right direction?
    (This program has a library code and a mainline code which calls the procedures and functions)


    //image flip vertically procedure
    void image_process_flip_vertically(int image_data[EP100_LIB_MAX_X][EP100_LIB_MAX_Y],int height,int width)
    int row;                        // row count variable
    int column;                     // column count variable
    int temp_row;                   // inverse of row to flip image
    int temp_array[height][width];  // temp array to store scrolled image
            // flipping process
            for (column = 0;column < width; column++)       // column count loop
                    for (row = 0; row < height; row++)      // row count loop
                    temp_row =  height - 1 - row;           // set temp row
                    temp_array [row][column] = image_data [temp_row][column];// place pixel into temp array in its new spot
            // Returning temp array to image_data
            for (column = 0; column < width; column++)      // column count loop
                    for (row = 0; row < height; row++)      // row count loop
                            image_data [row][column] = temp_array [row][column]; //returning flippeded image to image_data
    //image flip horizontally procedure
    void image_process_flip_horizontally(int image_data[EP100_LIB_MAX_X][EP100_LIB_MAX_Y],int height,int width)
    int row;                // row count variable
    int column;             // column count variable
    int temp_column;        // inverse of cloumn to flip image
    int temp_array[height][width]; //temp array to store scrolled image
            // flipping process
            for (row = 0; row < height; row++)      // row count loop
                    for (column = 0; column < width; column++) // column count loop
                            temp_column = width - 1 - column;       // set temp column
                            temp_array[row][column] = image_data[row][temp_column];// place pixel into temp arayy in its new spot
            // Returning temp array to image_data
            for (row = 0; row < height; row++)      // row count loop
                    for(column = 0; column < width; column++)       // column count loop
                            image_data[row][column]=temp_array[row][column]; //returning flipped image to image_data
    Last edited by juststartedC; 10-22-2007 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #2
    int x = *((int *) NULL); Cactus_Hugger's Avatar
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    scroll the image horizontally and vertically which i dont know how to do
    What does that mean? Move all the pixels right so many spots? (And shift the ones that move off the image back to the other side?) Something like:
    temp_image[row][(column + shift) &#37; width] = image[row][column]
    Also, your flipping functions are confused. Is your image data row major or column major? You access pixel data with:
    Which seems to say: image[y][x]. But your function declaration:
    void image_process_flip_horizontally(int image_data[EP100_LIB_MAX_X][EP100_LIB_MAX_Y],int height,int width)
    Says image[x][y] ... which is it?

    Edit: Also, image flipping shouldn't require a temporary copy... just flip the pixel with the corresponding pixel on the image, and only iterate through the first half.
    Last edited by Cactus_Hugger; 10-22-2007 at 10:47 AM.
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  3. #3
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    Thank you

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