Dear Sir,
I am Using the VC++ for my compilation...with this i am symbol generator for my Daignosis..I am getting one error in the symbol generator file can any body help me out this error..please could you provide where i will get more information about this..

running: C:/TOOL/External/ASSP3/Symbolgenerator/ubroflst/V1.02/ubroflst.exe hex/DIS_HighLine_proj.sym hex/DIS_HighLine_proj.abs
UBROFLST, Version 1.02 vom 9.07.1998 BSK/HS
(c) 1996-1998 BSK Datentechnik GmbH, D-35440 Linden/Gr.-L.
Parameter-Fehler: hex
make[2]: *** [hex/DIS_HighLine_proj.sym] Error 1
Application closed

i am thankful to you all