Thanks for the suggestions, the pointer to table->data also needs ot be relative as well. cleaner version:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

typedef struct H HashTable;
HashTable * createHashTable(unsigned int capacity);
void addItem(HashTable * table, int item, int value);
int containsItem(HashTable * table, int item);
void destroyHashTable(HashTable * table);

struct Node;
typedef struct Node Link;

struct Node {
    int item;
    int value;
    unsigned int next;

struct H {
    unsigned int bytes;
    unsigned int capacity;
    unsigned int * data;

 * Allocates a new node to hold the given initial values, and
 * returns a pointer to that node.  Returns NULL if the node
 * could not be allocated.
unsigned int newNode(int item, int value, unsigned int next, HashTable * table) {
    void * tmp_pointer = realloc(table, table->bytes + sizeof(struct Node));
	if (tmp_pointer == NULL) {
	  printf("Realloc failed, out of Contiguous memory, cannot continue\n");
	  return NULL;
        } else {
	  table = tmp_pointer;

    long unsigned int rel_address = table->bytes;
    Link * result = (void *)table + rel_address; //calloc(1, sizeof(struct Node));
    table->bytes = rel_address + sizeof(struct Node);

    result->item = item;
    result->value = value;
    result->next = next;
    return rel_address;

 * Creates a hashtable with the given capacity and hash function.
 * Returns a pointer to the newly created table, or NULL if the
 * table could not be created.
HashTable * createHashTable(unsigned int capacity) {
    HashTable * table = malloc(sizeof(struct H));

    if (table == NULL) {
      return NULL;

    /* Move Bytes along */
    table->bytes = sizeof(struct H);

    int empty_space = sizeof(unsigned int) * capacity;
    void * tmp_pointer = realloc(table, table->bytes + empty_space);
	if (tmp_pointer == NULL) {
	  printf("Realloc failed, out of Contiguous memory, cannot continue\n");
	  return NULL;
        } else {
	  table = tmp_pointer;

    table->data = table->bytes;
    bzero((unsigned int)table + (unsigned int)table->data, empty_space); 
    table->bytes = table->bytes + empty_space;
    table->capacity = capacity;
    return table;

 * Adds the given item to the table, unless the item is already in
 * the table, in which case it does nothing.
void addItem(HashTable * table, int item, int value) {

    unsigned int * data = (unsigned int)table->data + (unsigned int)table;

    /* Which bucket does the item hash to? */
    int index = item &#37; table->capacity;

    /* Search the linked list - if already there, bail! */
    long unsigned int rel_address = data[index];
    Link * p = (void *)table + rel_address;

    long unsigned int pnexta = rel_address;
    while (pnexta != NULL) {
        p = pnexta + (void *)table;
        if (p->item == item) {
	    printf("Already in index\n");
	pnexta = p->next;

    /* Didn't find it in the list - add it! */
    data[index] = newNode(item, value, data[index], table);

 * Returns 1 (true) if item is in table, otherwise returns 0 (false).
int containsItem(HashTable * table, int item) {
    /* Which bucket does the item hash to? */
    unsigned int index = item % table->capacity;

    unsigned int * data = (unsigned int)table->data + (unsigned int)table;
    int rel_address = data[index];
    int address = table;
    Link * p = address + rel_address;

    /* Search the linked list */
    unsigned int pnexta = rel_address;
    while (pnexta != NULL) {
        p = pnexta + address;
        if (p->item == item) {
            return p->value;
	pnexta = p->next;

    /* Didn't find it in the list */
    return 0;

 * Cleans up any memory allocated when we created the hashtable.
void destroyHashTable(HashTable * table) {


int main () {

   HashTable * table = createHashTable(10);
   addItem(table, 8493, 60);
   addItem(table, 6876, 12);

    FILE * stream = NULL;
    if ((stream = fopen("./test", "wb+")) == NULL) {
      printf("Could not open file for writing\n");
    } else {
      fwrite(table, table->bytes, 1, stream);


   /* Test reading it back */
    stream = NULL;
    if ((stream = fopen("./test", "rb+")) == NULL) {
      printf("Could not open file for reading\n");
    } else {
      HashTable * new_table = malloc(sizeof(struct H));
      fread(new_table, sizeof(struct H), 1, stream);
      new_table = realloc(new_table, new_table->bytes);
      fread((void *)new_table + sizeof(struct H), new_table->bytes - sizeof(struct H), 1, stream);
	/*test search */
	   int value = 0;
   	   if ((value = containsItem(new_table, 8493)) != NULL) {
	      printf("%d found\n", value);
           } else {
	      printf("not found\n");
