I think i have some mixed up stuff in my program, maybe some c++ in there as well. Used alot of internet sites and maybe misunderstood something. Im trying to get this thing to count the number of lines words and characters in a file name. any help would be appreciated. Here is what i have
void chars(struct file );     /* function prototype*/
void words(struct file );     /*function prototype*/
void lines(struct file );     /*function prototype*/
struct file; 
struct in;
int main ()
    file *in;
    char fNAME[15];                 /*limits chars to 15 for input*/
    printf("\nEnter the file name: ");
    scanf ("%s",fNAME);
    in=fopen(fNAME, "r");       /*opens file*/
    if(in == NULL)                  /*checks for file opening*/
    printf("\n Cannot find file %s.\n",fNAME);
    fclose(in);                    /*fclose closes a file*/
    return 0;
void chars(file * fNAME)       /*a pointer to a file*/
     long ftell();
     fseek(fNAME, OL, SEEK_END);               /*for file positioning to the end of the file*/
     printf("The number of characters in the file is: %d\n",ftell(fNAME));

void words(filw * fNAME)                /*a pointer to a file*/

     long ftell();
     fseek(fNAME, OL, SEEK_END);/*for file positioning to the end of the file*/
     printf("The number of words in the file is: %d\n",ftell(fNAME));

void lines(file * fNAME)                    /*a pointer to a file*/
     long ftell();
     fseek(fNAME, OL, SEEK_END);                            /*for file positioning to the end of the file*/
     printf("The number of lines in the file is: %c\n",fNAME);