>Yes,I do think 1B before 27 .
You're in the minority.

>I write C programs ONLY for the purpose of outputting integer sequences.
Then why even bother? :P
Cause it's what I was born to do.

>If a C compiler can parse my code,I consider it "readable" .
Heheh, a C compiler can parse a mess of crap that would take you years to figure out. Is that what you consider readable?

>I have never met anybody else who actually knows as much about C programming as you guys.
If you're the toughest kid in the cul-de-sac, it can be a surprise when you go to the big city.
It's a surprise all right. The surprise is that somebody responded to my post at all!

>I'm guessing it loads AL with the char and then does a rep stosb.
What it does is initialize a sequence of characters with a specified value. How it does that is implementation-defined. Assuming an implementation is dangerous, especially in assembly. The performance characteristics of your code can change wildly between processors, and a logical solution wouldn't be used by the implementation because it was too slow or too expensive for the target system.
True. I used to write a lot of programs in DOS ASM using only 16 bit code.
These days that stuff doesn't have much place but I still think in those
terms. I also used to write and run 6502 programs in a simulator.
I like simplicity over speed. I even had thoughts about
inventing an emulated CPU that accessed only bits and had operations
to clear,set,or invert them. Sure it wouldn't be capable of doing as much as any other CPU
but it would be identical to how I think(which is very limited)