Quote Originally Posted by ulillillia View Post
if (TerrainData[ArrayIndex] == 135) { CurrentHeight -= 340; } // steepest downward slope
else if (TerrainData[ArrayIndex] == 151) { CurrentHeight -= 224; }
else if (TerrainData[ArrayIndex] == 167) { CurrentHeight -= 165; }
else if (TerrainData[ArrayIndex] == 183) { CurrentHeight -= 129; }
... etc ...
This piece of code could be made far more readable and maintainable by placing the data in an array or other data structure. I'd suggest something like this:

struct adjust_rec
    int terrain;
    int adjust;

struct adjust_rec terrain_adjust_table[] =
    { 135, -340 },
    { 151, -224 },
    { 167, -165 },
    { 183, -129 },
    ... etc ...
    { -1, -1 } /* Marks the end */

int get_terrain_adjust(int terrain, int *value)
    struct adjust_rec *adj;

    /* Loop until we reach the end marker */
    for(adj = terrain_adjust_table; adj->terrain != -1; adj++)
        if(adj->terrain == terrain)
            *value = adj->adjust;
            return 1;
    return 0;
Now, the string of if-else statements can be replaced with this:

int delta_height;

if(!get_terrain_adjust(TerrainData[ArrayIndex], &delta_height))
    printf("Invalid color at location %d\n", ArrayIndex);
    CurrentHeight += delta_height;
Also, the selection of color indexes seems pretty strange. If you had chosen them to all be consecutive, you could have done this with a simple array of ints, used the terrain color to index into this array (after appropriate bounds checking).