Hello all,

I am working on a project and I am having some difficulties sorting. I am trying to read in from a binary file and sort the structure but I am not sure I have it setup correctly. Any advice would be appreciated.

/* HorseData structure definition */
struct horseData {
    int number;
    char name [ 25 ];
    int dob;
    int height;
    char father [ 25 ];
    char mother [ 25 ];

}; /* End structure horseData */
/* Function Prototype */
int newLine();
void createData();
int mainMenu();
void addHorse();
void addRace();
void viewHorse();
void sortData();
void sortHorse();
/* Function sortHorse definition */
void sortHorse()

    int counter;
    int counter2;
    int hold;
    int pass;
    int record;
    int swap;
    /* Horses.dat file pointer */
    FILE *shPtr;
    /* Load horseData with default information */
    struct horseData sortHorse = { 0, "", 0, 0, "", "" };
    /* Fopen opens file; exits program if file cannot be opened */
    if ( ( shPtr = fopen( "horses.dat", "rb" ) ) == NULL ) {
        printf( "File could not be opened\n" );
    } /* End if */
    /* Read records from file */
    else {
        /* While not end of file */
        while( !feof( shPtr ) ) {
                fscanf( shPtr, "%s", sortHorse.name );
                printf( "%s", sortHorse.name );
        } /* End while */
        /* Fclose closes the file */
        fclose( shPtr );
        /* Begin sorting the array */ 
        for ( pass = 1; pass <= record; pass++ ) { 
                swap = 0; 
                /* Traverse and compare unsorted part of array */ 
                for ( counter = 0; counter < record - 1; counter++ ) {              
                    /* Compare adjacent array elements */ 
                    if ( sortHorse.name [ counter ] > sortHorse.name [ counter + 1 ] ){ 
                        swap = 1; 
                        hold = sortHorse.name [ counter ]; 
                        sortHorse.name [ counter ] = sortHorse.name [ counter + 1 ];; 
                        sortHorse.name [ counter + 1 ] = hold; 
                    } /* End if */
                } /* End for */ 
                /* Break loop if array is already sorted */ 
                if ( !swap ) { 
                } /* End if */
        } /* End for */
    } /* End else */
    printf( "New sorted data - \n" );
    /* Fopen opens file; exits program if file cannot be opened */
    if ( ( shPtr = fopen( "sorted.txt", "w" ) ) == NULL ) {
        printf( "File could not be opened\n" );
    } /* End if */
    else {
        /* Output sort array */
        for( counter2 = 0; counter2 < record; counter2++ ) {
                fprintf ( shPtr, "%s\n", sortHorse.name [ counter2 ] );
                printf( " %s ", sortHorse.name [ counter2 ] );
        } /* End for */
        /* Fclose closes the file */
        fclose( shPtr );
    } /* End else */
} /* End sortHorse function */
