 #include <stdio.h>

int main( void ) 
    int Ivar;
    printf( "Enter:" );
    scanf( "%c", &Ivar ) ;
    while ( Ivar !=  EOF )
      printf( "\nValue == %d\n", Ivar );
      printf ( "ANSI = %d, Char = %c", Ivar, Ivar );
      printf( "\nEnter:" );
      scanf(  "%c" , &Ivar );
    system( "pause" );
    return 0;
The output of the Code is

Value == 115
ANSI = 115, Char = s
Value == 10
ANSI = 10, Char =


This is what it prints out . The First sanf works fine . It does what I want it to do . it disoklays the ANSI Value of the Character I typed in . But the scanf in the loop executes without halting for an Input ?

I would like to know why and how is this problem occurring . Is this a Inheret C problem ?
