Hey people, I m having trouble with some stuff with using c program..i want to calculate some number but i want them to write some detail as well such as first name initial and last name and so some other question(but i don't need you to help me on that because i already know how to do it)
i want to do a number menu on my program so that when you click the option number it will bring you to the question and when you finished with the question it will promp back to the menu number...
I tried using the boolean and use for loop because i know how many loop i need and how many question i have...
but the problem is i don't know to promp it back to the menu number and also if i have already enter question number 1 i wanted to be so that i can't go to question 1 again and the last problem is that if i don't enter all the answer and they wanted to get the result of the calculation it will have an error message...
Thank you