I've written a function that will be called from a JNI method... It's been crashing, but I think it's working now. Note the word 'think'..

Does this seem right? If I don't use the copyTCHAR function it crashes...
I'm not sure why it crashes either ... New to C and a little lost....

char* getDNSFullyQualifiedName()
    TCHAR buffer[256] = TEXT("");
    DWORD dwSize = sizeof(buffer);
    char* temp;

    if (GetComputerNameEx((COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT)3, buffer, &dwSize))
         temp = copyTCHAR(buffer);
         dwSize = sizeof(buffer);
         ZeroMemory(buffer, dwSize);
         return temp;

    return NULL;

char* copyTCHAR(TCHAR* source)
    int size;
    char* destination;

    if (!source)
        return NULL;

    size = strlen(source) + 1;

    if (size <= 0)
        return NULL;

    destination = (char *)malloc(size);
    strcpy(destination, source);
    return destination;