Thread: C Array

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  1. #1
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    C Array


    I am making a program which will record 10 students results in arrays of 4 subjects and output their percentage grade, average percentage of all subjects for each student, pass and fail rate and average rate.

    This is what i have so far:


    /* Student results  */[/QUOTE]
    // This program calculates percentage marks, average percentage marks, pass and fail results and top and bottom results. //
    #include <stdio.h>                     
    #include <cstdlib>                    
    #include <string.h>                    
    #include <iostream.h>                  
    #define STUDENTS 10                 
    #define EXAMS 4                        
    int minimum(int [][EXAMS], int, int);
    int maximum(int [][EXAMS], int, int);
    float average(int [], int);
    void printArray(int [][EXAMS], int, int);
          int student,
              studentGrades[STUDENTS][EXAMS] = {{65, 55, 50, 65},
                                                                          {50, 60, 40, 50},
                                                                          {70, 62, 55, 79},
                                                                          {60, 50, 30, 40},
                                                                          {70, 60, 40, 70},
                                                                          {65, 67, 45, 89},
                                                                          {40, 50, 40, 13},
                                                                          {20, 35, 40, 70},
                                                                          {40, 30, 40, 60},
                                                                          {70, 66, 60, 95}};
              printf("The grade array is: \n");
              printArray(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS);
              printf("\n\nLowest grade: %d\nHighest grade: %d\n",
                 minimum(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS),
                 maximum(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS));
              for (student = 0; student <= STUDENTS - 1; student++)
                 printf("The average grade for student %d is %.2f\n",
                 student, average(studentGrades[student], EXAMS));
              return 0;
    				/* Declare array */               
    char        student[10][20];                   // Declaring student number with names
                student [0]= "Ben";                     // Student number, 0 with name "Ben"
                student [1]= "Pat";                     // Student number, 1 with name "Pat"
                student [2]= "Dan";                     // Student number, 2 with name "Dan"
                student [3]= "Tal";                     // Student number, 3 with name "Tal"
                student [4]= "Stu";                     // Student number, 4 with name "Stu"
                student [5]= "kim";                     // Student number, 5 with name "Kim"
                student [6]= "Tom";                     // Student number, 6 with name "Tom"
                student [7]= "Tim";                     // Student number, 7 with name "Tim"
                student [8]= "Pete";                    // Student number, 8 with name "Pete"
                student [9]= "Don";                     // Student number, 9 with name "Don"
    				/* Initialise array */
           char student [10] [4];				    // Initialising an array with an input of 10 and number of subjects of 4
                student [1][1];                     // Student number 1, subject number 1
                student [1][2];                     // Student number 1, subject number 2
                student [1][3];                     // Student number 1, subject number 3
                student [1][4];                     // Student number 1, subject number 4
                    /* Declare subject names and marks obtainable*/
             subject [1] [Mathematics][80];        // Subject number, name and marks obtainable
             subject [2] [Software systems][75];       // Subject number, name and marks obtainable
             subject [3] [Business systems][60];       // Subject number, name and marks obtainable
             subject [4] [Hydraulics and pneumatics][100];        // Subject number, name and marks obtainable
    //------------------- printf ------------------------------//
    printf("Welcome! Enter the name of the student and press Enter...\n");
    printf("To exit the program without any action, type END... \n\n");
    /* Test to see if the grade entered is valid. If the grade is invalid, it prints a message and exits the program */
    if ((grade < 0.0) || (grade > 100.0))
               printf("You have entered an invalid grade!\n\n");
               return 1;
    if (Grade >= passingGrade)
              printf("Congractulations. You have passed!\n\n");
              printf("Bad luck. You need to work harder next time.\n\n");
                  	//---------------------- Functions------------------------//
                   // percentage grade              // calculates the percentage grade
                   int main();
                   if(ben >= 90)
                   grade = ("90 / 100 * 100");
                   // average percentage grade      // calculates the average percentage grade
                   average grade = ("total grade for ben / 4");
                   // pass or fail rate                      // calculates pass or fail rates
                   if (grade >= 33.3%);
                   grade = 'pass';
                   printf("You have passed!\n");
                   if (grade <= 33.3%);
                   grade = 'fail';
                   printf("You have failed\n!");
       				// Total average grade and pass rate              // calculate the average grade using "float"
       				int main();
          			float [studentdetails10] [20];
                    if(grade >= passgrade) 
                            if(averageben <= 100)
                            grade = A+;
                            printf("You have passed very impressively with an A+ grade!\n");
                            if(averageben <= 90)
                            grade = A;
                            printf("You have passed impressively with an A grade.\n"); 
                            if(averageben >= 80)
                            grade = B;
                            printf("You have passed with an B grade.\n");
                            elseif (averageben >= 60)
                            grade = C;
                            printf("You have passed with an C grade.\n");
                            elseif (averageben >= 55)
                            grade = D;
                            printf("You have passed with an D grade.\n");
                            elseif (averageben >= 40)
                            grade = E;
                            printf("You have just passed with an E grade.\n");
                            grade = F;
                            printf("You have failed! You should be dissapointed with yourself!\n\n");   
                     // Exit program function					// Exits program by typing END and pressing Enter
                    void _exit(
                    	int status;
                      exit( END );
      					/* Print contents of array */
    printf("The results for the following student are displayed as...\n\n"
    Printf("Press any key to exit...\n\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    This is what i have so far. I am now abit stuck and dont know where to improve. it does not compile.

    Any help and comments appreciated.


  2. #2
    Deathray Engineer MacGyver's Avatar
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    #include <stdio.h>                     
    #include <cstdlib>                    
    #include <string.h>                    
    #include <iostream.h>
    Do you even know what language you're using?

    If you're using C, stick to C libraries. If you're using C++, stick to C++ libraries. What you're doing will not compile with a C-only compiler because you're combining the two libraries.

    For the rest of it, you're just doing things that you're not supposed to do. You have to be able to verbally describe to yourself and others exactly what you're trying to do, every single step of the way. If you are unable to do that, then your ability to write a program that produces the right answer is probably non-existant.

    If you can describe exactly what you're trying to do for every line of C code, but you're writing C-gibberish (ie. This is if the compiler is yelling at you for what you think is valid C.), then you should be reviewing the language.

  3. #3
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    I'd ditch the #include <iostream.h> because it's C++ and bound to cause problems if you're using C and C++ libraries, as MacGyver has stated, above.

    if (Grade >= passingGrade)
              printf("Congractulations. You have passed!\n\n");
              printf("Bad luck. You need to work harder next time.\n\n");
                  	//---------------------- Functions------------------------//
                   // percentage grade              // calculates the percentage grade
                   int main();
                   if(ben >= 90)
                   grade = ("90 / 100 * 100");
                   // average percentage grade      // calculates the average percentage grade
                   average grade = ("total grade for ben / 4");
                   // pass or fail rate                      // calculates pass or fail rates
                   if (grade >= 33.3%);
                   grade = 'pass';
                   printf("You have passed!\n");
    Your code style/syntax needs work:

    if (grade >= 33.3%); is poor because grade doesn't know anything about %. It's just a poor data type, and you've saddled it with this lousy % sign, you see? Lose that, and remember that PERCENT MEANS HUNDREDTHS, so it just becomes 0.33, not the incomprehensible to the data type, 33%.

    Then you have a semi-colon at the end of the if grade line of code. Remove it. Semi-colons go at the end of a complete line of executable code, which is always the next bit of code after an if () statement.

    This is one statement:
    if (grade >= 0.33) grade= pass;

    so is this:
    if (grade >= 0.33)
    grade = pass;

    (There is no difference to the compiler between these two statements, btw).

    I've highlighted some troubles in red, above. You can't do arithmetic on words! Ben's test score may be >= 0.90, but "ben" will never be >= 0.90.

    Looks like some pseudo code was still left in the code?

    You may need to comment out large areas of the program to get something to compile. Then you can add areas back in, as you get them coded properly.

    These things should be done in an incremental manner, it's a big mistake to try and compile some new and large blocks of code, all at once. Especially for a beginner. "Meter by meter, life is sweeter."


  4. #4
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > /* Declare array */
    All the code after this line is outside of a function, and will not compile.

    Adak is right, you should start a new project and copy your code in a few lines at a time, pressing compile as you go. Do not add more code if what you have doesn't compile. And don't wait until the end to see if it will run or not, keep testing as you go. This will force you to think about the order in which you need to add things.

    If you get to a part where an incremental addition fails to compile / run, then post what you have.

    Simply writing a whole mess, then dumping it on a message board for someone else to fix isn't going to work.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  5. #5
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    Now i have sorted the code out.

    This is what i have now:

    /* Student results */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #define STUDENTS 10
    #define EXAMS 4
    int minimum(int [][EXAMS], int, int);
    int maximum(int [][EXAMS], int, int);
    float average(int [], int);
    void printArray(int [][EXAMS], int, int);
          int student,
              studentGrades[STUDENTS][EXAMS] = {{65, 55, 50, 65},
                                                {50, 60, 40, 50},
                                                {70, 62, 55, 79},
                                                {60, 50, 30, 40},
                                                {70, 60, 40, 70},
                                                {65, 67, 45, 89},
                                                {40, 50, 40, 13},
                                                {20, 35, 40, 70},
                                                {40, 30, 40, 60},
                                                {70, 66, 60, 95}};
              printf("The array is: \n");
              printArray(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS);
              printf("\n\nLowest grade: %d\nHighest grade: %d\n",
                 minimum(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS),
                 maximum(studentGrades, STUDENTS, EXAMS));
              for (student = 0; student <= STUDENTS - 1; student++)
                 printf("The average grade for student %d is %.2f\n",
                 student, average(studentGrades[student], EXAMS));
              return 0;
    /* Find the minimum grade */
    int minimum(int grades[][EXAMS], int pupils, int tests)
        int i, j, lowGrade = 100;
        for(i = 0; i <= pupils - 1; i++)
              for(j = 0; j <= tests - 1; j++)      
              if (grades[i][j] < lowGrade)
              lowGrade = grades[i][j];
        return lowGrade;
    /* Find the maximum grade */
    int maximum(int grades[][EXAMS], int pupils, int tests)
        int i, j, highGrade = 0;
        for (i = 0; i <= pupils - 1; i++)
            for (j = 0; j <= tests - 1; j++)
            if (grades[i][j] > highGrade)
               highGrade = grades[i][j];
        return highGrade;
    /* Determine the average grade for a particular exam */
    float average(int setOfGrades[], int tests)
          int i, total = 0;
          for (i = 0; i <= tests - 1; i++)
              total += setOfGrades[i];
          return (float) total / tests;
    /* Print the array */
    void printArray(int grades[][EXAMS], int pupils, int tests)
         int i, j;
         printf("                         [0]    [1]    [2]    [3]   [4]    [5]    [6]    [7]    [8]    [9]    [10]");
               printf("\nstudentGrades[%d] ", i);
         for (i = 0; j <= pupils - 1; i++) {
             printf("\nstudentGrades[%d] ", i);
         for (j = 0; j <= tests - 1; j++)
             printf("%-5d", grades[i][j]);

    This code compiles and runs. One problem with this code is that it does nt print the array out for some reason.

    I need to expand this code further like to calculate the average total grade for one student with all his subjects, pass or fail rates and somehow store their names into the array.

  6. #6
    Deathray Engineer MacGyver's Avatar
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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <cstdlib>
    You're still using a combo of C and C++ with these headers. cstdlib is the C++ way of specifying stdlib.h.

    In addition, not really as important, but you really should explicitly declare main() to return an int. I know it's defaulted to return an int, but there is a reason why my compiler spit out a "no type specified. Defaulting to int" warning.

    This is the output when I run your program:

    The array is:
                             [0]    [1]    [2]    [3]   [4]    [5]    [6]    [7]
    [8]    [9]    [10]
    Lowest grade: 13
    Highest grade: 95
    The average grade for student 0 is 58.75
    The average grade for student 1 is 50.00
    The average grade for student 2 is 66.50
    The average grade for student 3 is 45.00
    The average grade for student 4 is 60.00
    The average grade for student 5 is 66.50
    The average grade for student 6 is 35.75
    The average grade for student 7 is 41.25
    The average grade for student 8 is 42.50
    The average grade for student 9 is 72.75
    Press any key to continue . . .
    for (i = 0; j <= pupils - 1; i++)
    Notice anything wrong?

    Fixing that error results in this:

    The array is:
                             [0]    [1]    [2]    [3]   [4]    [5]    [6]    [7]
    [8]    [9]    [10]
    studentGrades[0] 65   55   50   65   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[1] 50   60   40   50   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[2] 70   62   55   79   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[3] 60   50   30   40   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[4] 70   60   40   70   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[5] 65   67   45   89   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[6] 40   50   40   13   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[7] 20   35   40   70   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[8] 40   30   40   60   Press any key to continue . . .
    studentGrades[9] 70   66   60   95   Press any key to continue . . .
    Lowest grade: 13
    Highest grade: 95
    The average grade for student 0 is 58.75
    The average grade for student 1 is 50.00
    The average grade for student 2 is 66.50
    The average grade for student 3 is 45.00
    The average grade for student 4 is 60.00
    The average grade for student 5 is 66.50
    The average grade for student 6 is 35.75
    The average grade for student 7 is 41.25
    The average grade for student 8 is 42.50
    The average grade for student 9 is 72.75
    Press any key to continue . . .
    You should probably format your output better, and not pause each and every time a student's grades are printed.

  7. #7
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    Are you looking to include the student's name by using a parallel string array (that would be where Ben is name[0], and his scores are in scores[0]), or make up structs or what do you have in mind for this?

    For beginner's I'd favor a parallel array. You don't want to skip that concept by jumping ahead.

    Please make the changes MacGyver mentioned, and post your new code up, perhaps with your stab at using parallel arrays.

    Then we'll know just where you're at with the program.


  8. #8
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    Thanks for the help.

    I have sorted both probs out.

    On the 3rd line, studentGrades comes out as [-1] !

    When i mentioned student names, i meant that instead of using student numbers, i would like to use names for their grades.

    I would also like to add pass and fail rates, if grade is below pass rate the program will exit. This is what i have:

    // pass or fail rate
    if (grade >= 0.33)grade = pass;
    printf("You have passed!\n");

    if (grade <= 0.33)grade = fail;
    printf("You have failed\n!");
    Where do i insert this ?
    Last edited by fab04; 04-12-2007 at 11:18 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fab04 View Post
    Thanks for the help.

    I have sorted both probs out.

    On the 3rd line, studentGrades comes out as [-1] !

    When i mentioned student names, i meant that instead of using student numbers, i would like to use names for their grades.

    I would also like to add pass and fail rates, if grade is below pass rate the program will exit. This is what i have:

    Where do i insert this ?
    You're getting a bad print out on studentGrades, because the variable i is not initialized to anything first:
    int i, j;
         printf("                         [0]    [1]    [2]    [3]   [4]    [5]    [6]    [7]    [8]    [9]    [10]");
               printf("\nstudentGrades[&#37;d] ", i);    /* I'd just remove this */
         for (i = 0; j <= pupils - 1; i++) {            /* Change this j to an i --> we don't like having to repeat ourselves */
             printf("\nstudentGrades[%d] ", i);
    And that is no good. Since you have the studentGrades being print right below it anyway, I'd just remove the upper printf statement.

    I understood that you wanted to have the student's names printed out, and not just their numbers. You'll need some data structure (maybe a parallel array of char's) to hold their names.

    You can have the grade is passing or failing output, anywhere you want to have it. I haven't seen the output you want yet, so I can't say where it should go in your program.

    Be careful about exiting from your program too soon. Even after one student fails, others will still need to have their data run through the program. One failing grade may not kick a student out of the course, also. He / she may have good grades to be reported, as well.


  10. #10
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    I have removed the printf statement and changed the j to an i.

    Like Adak mentioned, i need to use a parallel array to declare the names of the students and the subject names.

    This is what i have done to declare the student names:

    char student[10][20]; // Declaring student number with names
    student [0]= Ben;
    student [1]= Pat;
    student [2]= Dan;
    student [3]= Tal;
    student [4]= Stu;
    student [5]= kim;
    student [6]= Tom;
    student [7]= Tim;
    student [8]= Pete;
    student [9]= Don;

    These are the subject names:

    char student[10] [4];
    student [1][1]
    student [1][2]
    student [1][3]
    student [1][4]

    /* Declare subject names and marks obtainable*/

    subject [1] [Mathematics][80]
    subject [2] [Software systems][75]
    subject [3] [Business systems][60]
    subject [4] [Hydraulics and pneumatics][100]

    How do i put this all together in the program??

  11. #11
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    I'm not sure exactly what you expect your output to look like.
    -------- ... ---
             [0] [1] ... [N]
    Is that what you mean? A different grid for each subject? If so, then pretty much just start at the top, and read it, to figure out what order you print things.
    for each subject
        display subject line
        display divider line(s)
        for each student
            display student name
            for each grade in this subject
                display each grade
    If that's not what you had in mind, well you get the idea, it all works pretty much the same way.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  12. #12
    Woof, woof! zacs7's Avatar
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    Would an array of student structures not be easier to read?
    Not to mention its more future-proof...

    struct subject_t {
    	char name[20];
    	unsigned short int grade;
    typedef struct student_t {
    	char name[20];
    	struct subject_t grades[EXAMS];
    } student;
    int main(void)
    	student MyStudents[STUDENTS];
    	// blah blah
    	return 0;

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