I have a questions here from my programming class that is completely throwing me in circles. I don't even understand what it's asking if anyone can help I'd be very great full!

Write a C function named liquid() that is to accept an integer number and the addresses of the variables gallons, quarts, pints, and cups. The passed integers represents the total number of cups, and the function is to determine the number of gallons, quarts, pints, and cups in the passed value. Using the passed addresses, the function should directly alter the respective variables in the calling function. use the relationship of 2 cups to a pint, 4 cups to a quart, and 16 cups to a gallon.

P.S. I know you guys hate it when people post questions on here without any attempted code but usually I do; this problem though is just completely out there for me. I really don't understand what it's even asking or how to pass the address.