I've made a program that takes information from a list of mp3s in a text file and stores them into a structure, which is then looked up using an array of pointers.
Each mp3 has the info: Track No - Title - Artist - Album - Genre
My program was working fine until tonight when I added a function that looks up all the different genres of music and displays a list of the genres to the user (I later want to allow the user to select one of these genres and have a playlist created with all the mp3s in this genre).
Now whenever I execute the program, it stops when it reaches the part when the new function is used, saying:
lab1.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.
I tried to Debug, and it gave me this message
Unhandled exception in mp3list.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation
Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Here is the code I have written. The function that's causing the problem is the 'lookupgenres' function.

/* A program to take information from a .txt file and store it in structures
   which can be looked up via an array of pointers */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <console_lib.h>
#include <conio.h>

typedef struct mp3info
	char title[100];
	char artist[100];
	char album[100];
	char genre[100];

void lookupgenres ( SONG *array[20001] )
	typedef struct genrelist
		char name[100];
		struct genrelist *next;

	int tracknumber;
	GENRES genre;
	GENRES *current;
	int compare;
	int count;

	/* Check through all tracks for different genres */

	for ( tracknumber = 1; tracknumber <= 100; tracknumber++ )
		/* Check to see if genre has been added */

		/* If the genre list is empty, the check does not need to be made and the
		   genre of the first track can be added to the list */

		if ( genre.name == NULL )
			strcpy ( genre.name, array[tracknumber]->genre );
			compare = 1;
			current = &genre;

			compare = strcmp ( current->name, array[tracknumber]->genre );

			while ( ( compare != 0 ) && ( current->next != NULL ) )
				current = current->next;
				compare = strcmp ( current->name, array[tracknumber]->genre );

			/* If the genre has not been added to the list, add it */

			if ( compare != 0 )
				current = &genre;
				while ( current->next != NULL )
					current = current->next;
				current->next = malloc ( sizeof ( GENRES ) );
				current = current->next;
				strcpy ( current->name, array[tracknumber]->genre );

	current = &genre;

	for ( count = 1; count != 0 ; count++ )
		printf ( "%d - %s\n", count, current->name );
		if ( current->next != NULL )
			current = current->next;
			count = 0;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int main (void)
	char string[500];
	int tracknumber;
	SONG *current;
	SONG *array[20001];

	/* Open file mp3list.txt for reading */

	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen ( "C:\\mp3list.txt", "r" );

	while ( tracknumber < 100 )
		fgets ( string, 500, fp );
		current = store ( string, &tracknumber );
		array[tracknumber] = current;
		printf ( "%d - %s - %s - %s - %s", tracknumber, current->title, current->artist, current->album, current->genre );

	printf ( "Loading Complete!\n\n");

	lookupgenres ( array );

	return 0;

If anyone has any idea where I might be going wrong with this the help would be really appreciated!