hello people

this program stores info in two data files but when i run the program and enter data into the files and then close the program, and reopen it i get a segmentation fault? can someone please help me? here is my code. thanks!

/*header file inclusion*/
#include <stdio.h>				/*for I/O*/
#include <string.h>				/*for string operation*/
#include <ctype.h>				/*or isalpha()*/
#include <stdlib.h>				/*for atoi and atof*/

/* function : readstring(char *s)                                       */
/* reads a string from the user											*/
/* Parameter : the char array to read in								*/
/*				read_type: 0:first read	1: second read					*/
/* Return value : None													*/ 
void readstring(char *s,int read_type){
	char c;						/*holds the character*/
	int i;				     	/*counter variable*/
	fflush(stdout);              /*clears the buffers*/
	if(read_type==0)			/*previous newline remains*/
		c=getchar();			/*skip it*/
	while((c=getchar())!='\n'){	/*reads until enter*/
        /*fflush(stdout);*/            /*flushes buffer*/	
    	if(c=='\b'){               /*backspace pressed*/
           if(i>0) {               /*not at the beginning of string*/
              i--;                 /*reduce counter variable*/
              /*printf("\b \b");*/      /*clears the printed char*/
           }                    /*endif*/
        }                    /*endif*/
        else{                      /*not backspace*/
             /*printf("%c",c); */      /*print the character in the screen*/
             s[i]=c;					/*place the character in array*/
		     i++;					/*increase counter*/
		}	/*end while*/
	s[i]=0;						/*terminating the string*/
    /*printf("\n"); */        /*prints a newline*/

/* function : main()                                                    */
/* Starting point of the program and does the actual work				*/
/* Parameter : None														*/
/* Return value: None													*/
	int transaction_account[20];				/*holds account no. for transaction*/
	char transaction_description[20][31];		/*holds the description of the transaction*/
	float transaction_amount[20];				/*holds amount for transaction*/
	char transaction_type[20];					/*holds type of transaction debit or credit*/

	int active_account[10];						/*holds active account list*/
	char account_description[10][31];			/*description of the account*/
	float account_balance[10];					/*holds the balance of the account*/

	int choice;									/*selection from main menu*/
	char option;								/*selection from main menu temporary*/
	int tot_transactions;						/*total number of transactions recorded*/
	int tot_accounts;							/*total number of account encountered*/
	int ac_no;									/*temporary storage for current account number*/
	float amount;								/*temporary storage for current amount*/
	char type;									/*temporary storage for current transaction type*/
	int i;										/*counter variable*/
	int j;
	float tot_asset;							/*total balance of asset accounts*/
	float tot_liability;						/*total balance of liability accounts*/
	float tot_equity;							/*total balance of equity accounts*/
	float tot_revenue;							/*total balance of revenue accounts*/
	float tot_expense;							/*total balance of expense accounts*/

	char input[100];							/*reads the user input directly*/
	int isinvalid;								/*if an user input is invalid*/
	int gotdot;									/*how many dots already encountered*/

	FILE *fp_account;							/*pointer for handling account file*/
	FILE *fp_transaction;						/*pointer for handling transaction file*/
	char c;										/*temporary variable used for file reading*/
	int new_account;							/*a new account has been created*/

	tot_accounts=tot_transactions=0;			/*initializing total accounts and total transactions*/
	/*checking for accounts file*/
	if(!fp_account){							/*accounts.dat does not exist*/
		printf(" **File \"accounts.dat\" could not be read\n");	/*prompt message*/
		printf(" **Previously entered account titles are not available\n");
		printf(" **Any previously entered transactions will not be used\n\n");

		fp_transaction=fopen("transactions.dat","wt");	/*clearing/creating transaction file*/
		if(fp_transaction)						/*transaction file created/cleared*/
			fclose(fp_transaction);				/*close it*/
	}											/*end if*/
	else{										/*account file exist*/
		while(!feof(fp_account)){				/*read until file finishes*/
			c=getc(fp_account);					/*reads a character*/
			if(c==EOF)							/*End of file reached*/
				break;							/*completed reading*/
			i=0;								/*initialize counter*/
			while(c!=':'){						/*read until : is found*/
				input[i]=c;						/*store in array*/
				c=getc(fp_account);				/*read next char*/
				i++;							/*increase counter*/
			}									/*end while*/
			input[i]=0;							/*end of string*/
			active_account[tot_accounts]=atoi(input);	/*store account name*/
			i=0;								/*initialize counter*/
			c=getc(fp_account);					/*read a character from file*/
			while(c!='\n'){						/*look for newline*/
				input[i]=c;						/*store in array*/
				c=getc(fp_account);				/*read next char*/
				i++;							/*increment counter*/
			}									/*end while*/
			input[i]=0;							/*end of string*/
			strcpy(account_description[tot_accounts],input);	/*save account description*/
			account_balance[tot_accounts]=0;	/*initialize balance*/
			tot_accounts++;						/*increase total number of accounts encountered*/
		}										/*end else*/
		fclose(fp_account);						/*closing account file*/
		fp_transaction=fopen("transactions.dat","rt");	/*opening transactions file*/
		if(fp_transaction){						/*transaction file opened*/
			while(!feof(fp_transaction)){		/*read until file ends*/
				c=getc(fp_transaction);			/*read the first character*/
				if(c==EOF)						/*end of file reached*/
					break;						/*reading done*/
				i=0;							/*initialize counter*/
				while(c!=':'){					/*read until : is found*/
					input[i]=c;					/*store in array*/
					c=getc(fp_transaction);		/*read next char*/
					i++;						/*increase counter*/
				}								/*end while*/
				input[i]=0;						/*end of string*/
				transaction_account[tot_transactions]=atoi(input);	/*load transaction account*/
				i=0;							/*initialize counter*/
				c=getc(fp_transaction);			/*read a char*/
				while(c!=':'){				/*read until : is found*/
					input[i]=c;				/*load in array*/
					c=getc(fp_transaction);	/*read next char*/
					i++;					/*increment counter*/
				}							/*end while*/
				input[i]=0;					/*end of string*/
				strcpy(transaction_description[tot_transactions],input);	/*load transaction description*/
				c=getc(fp_transaction);			/*read next char*/
				transaction_type[tot_transactions]=c;	/*load transaction type*/
				c=getc(fp_transaction);			/*skip next :*/
				i=0;							/*initialize counter*/
				c=getc(fp_transaction);			/*read a char*/
				while(c!='\n'){					/*read until newline*/
					input[i]=c;					/*load in array*/
					c=getc(fp_account);			/*read next char*/
					i++;						/*increment counter*/
				}								/*end while*/
				input[i]=0;						/*end of string*/
				transaction_amount[tot_transactions]=atof(input);	/*load transaction amount*/
				/*updating account balance*/
				for(j=0;j<tot_accounts;j++){		/*search all accounts	*/
					if(active_account[j]==transaction_account[tot_transactions]){	/*corresponing account found*/
						if(transaction_type[tot_transactions]=='d')					/*debit transaction*/
							account_balance[j]+=transaction_amount[tot_transactions];	/*increase balance*/
						else														/*credit transaction*/
							account_balance[j]-=transaction_amount[tot_transactions];	/*decrement balance*/
					}		/*end if*/
				}			/*end for*/

				tot_transactions++;	/*increase no.of transactions encountered*/
			}				/*end while*/
			fclose(fp_transaction);		/*close transaction file*/
		}					/*end if*/
	}						/*end else*/

	while(1){									/*main menu repeats forever*/
		/*printing the main menu*/
		printf("Options available:\n\n");		
		printf("1 - Enter a transaction\n");
		printf("2 - View the general ledger\n");
		printf("3 - View the balance sheet\n");
		printf("4 - View the income statement\n");
		printf("q - Quit the program\n\n");
		/*prompting user for choice*/
		printf("Please enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or q: ");
		/*user choice*/
		while(1){								/*repeat until correctly entered*/
			scanf("%s",input);					/*reads in input*/
			if(strlen(input)>1){				/*more than one characters*/
				printf(" **Trailing character encountered\n");	/*print error message*/
				printf(" **Please reenter : ");					/*prompt for reenter*/
			else{								/*single character entered*/
				option=input[0];				/*store the character in option*/
				if(option=='q' || option=='Q'){	/*user choose to quit*/
					choice=5;					/*choice = 4 indicates quit*/
				else if(option > '0' && option < '5' ){	/*user chooses from 1 to 3*/
					choice=option-'0';			/*convert to corresponding digit*/
				else{							/*any other character than 1, 2, 3, or q*/
					printf(" **Invaid input\n");		/*print error message*/
					printf(" **Please reenter : ");		/*prompt for reenter*/
				}		/*end else*/
			}			/*end else*/
		}				/*end while*/

		/*take action based on choice*/
		case 5:							/*user choose to quit*/
			return;						/*quit program*/

		case 1:							/*insert a transaction*/
			if(tot_transactions==20){	/*maximum transaction already done*/
				 printf(" **Maximum number of transactions has been entered\n");
				 break;					/*can not do more transaction*/
			/*getting the account number*/
			printf("\nPlease insert account number (between 1000 and 5999) : ");
			while(1){					/*read the account number*/
				scanf("%s",input);		/*read in input*/
				isinvalid=0;			/*initialize isinvalid*/
				if(isalpha(input[0])){	/*first digit is alphabet*/
					printf(" **Invaid input\n");	/*print error message*/
					printf(" **Please reenter : ");	/*prompt to reenter*/
					for(i=0;i < strlen(input); i++){	/*check the whole string*/
						if(isalpha(input[i]) || input[i]=='.'){		/*alphabet or dot found*/
							isinvalid=1;				/*mark invalid*/
							printf(" **Trailing character encountered\n");	/*print error message*/
							printf(" **Please reenter : ");	/*prompt to reenter*/
					if(!isinvalid){				/*it is an integer*/
						ac_no=atoi(input);		/*convert to integer*/
						if(ac_no < 1000 || ac_no > 5999){	/*out of range*/
							printf(" **Out of range\n");	/*print error message*/
							printf(" **Please reenter : ");	/*prompt to reenter*/
						else					/*valid input found*/
					}			/*end if*/
				}				/*end else*/
			}					/*end while*/

			/*checking for new account*/
			for(i=0;i<tot_accounts;i++){		/*checking all accounts*/
				if(active_account[i]==ac_no){	/*found in existing*/
				}	/*end if*/
			}		/*end for*/
			if(i==tot_accounts){				/*new account found*/
				if(tot_accounts==10){			/*maximum number of accounts are already there*/
					printf(" **Maximum number of accounts has been entered\n"); /*print error message*/
				}		/*end if*/
				printf("\nEnter title for new account %d: ",ac_no);		/*user inputs title of account*/
				while(1){			/*repeat until correctly entered*/
					readstring(input,0);		/*reads a line*/
					if(strlen(input) > 30){		/*too long string*/
						printf(" **Title entered is longer than 30 characters\n");	/*print error message*/
						printf(" **Please reenter : ");		/*prompt for reenter*/
					}			/*end if*/
					else{		/*correctly entered*/
						strcpy(account_description[tot_accounts],input);	/*store account description*/
						break;		/*o need to repeat		*/	
					}			/*end else*/
				}			/*end while*/
			}			/*end for*/

			printf("\nEnter title for transaction: ");		/*user input title*/
			while(1){										/*repeat until correctly entered*/
					readstring(input,0);							/*reads a line*/

				if(strlen(input) > 30){						/*too long string*/
					printf(" **Title entered is longer than 30 characters\n");	/*print error message*/
					printf(" **Please reenter : ");				/*prompt for reenter*/
				}			/*end if*/
				else{		/*valid string*/
					strcpy(transaction_description[tot_transactions],input);	/*store account description*/
					break;		/*no need to report*/
				}				/*end else*/
			}					/*end while*/
			/*getting the account type*/
			printf("\nEnter d (debit) or c (credit): ");	/*prompt the user*/
			while(1){										/*reading the input*/
				scanf("%s",input);							/*loading in input*/
				if(strlen(input)>1){						/*more than one characters entered*/
					printf(" **Trailing character encountered\n"); /*print error message*/
					printf(" **Please reenter : ");	/*prompt to reenter*/
				}			/*end if*/
				else if(input[0]=='c' || input[0]=='C'){	/*credit transaction*/
					type='c';								/*setting type of transaction to credit*/
				}		/*end else if*/
				else if(input[0]=='d' || input[0]=='D'){	/*debit transaction*/
					type='d';								/*setting type of transaction to debit*/
				}		/*end else if*/
				else{										/*anything other than c or d*/
					printf(" **Invaid input\n");	/*print error message*/
					printf(" **Please reenter : ");	/*prompt to reenter*/
				}		/*end else*/
			}			/*end while*/
			/*getting transaction amount*/
			printf("\nEnter transaction amount: ");		/*prompt the user*/
			while(1){									/*repeat until valid input*/
				scanf("%s",input);						/*reading in input*/
				isinvalid=0;							/*initialize isinvalid*/
				gotdot=0;								/*dot encountered 0*/
				if(isalpha(input[0])){					/*first character is alphabet*/
					printf(" **Invaid input\n");	/*print error message*/
					printf(" **Please reenter : ");	/*prompt to reenter*/
				}									/*end if*/
				else{								/*first character is number*/
					for(i=0;i<strlen(input);i++){	/*check the entire string*/
						if(isalpha(input[i])){		/*is the digit alphabetic*/
							isinvalid=1;			/*invalid number found*/
							printf(" **Trailing character encountered\n");	/*print error message*/
							printf(" **Please reenter : ");		/*prompt to reenter*/
						}							/*end if*/
						if(input[i]=='.'){			/*found dot*/
							gotdot++;				/*increase number of dots*/
							if(gotdot==2){			/*more than one dot*/
								isinvalid=1;		/*number is invalid*/
								printf(" **Trailing character encountered\n");	/*print error message*/
								printf(" **Please reenter : ");		/*prompt to reenter*/
							}		/*end if*/
						}			/*end if*/
					}				/*end for*/
					if(!isinvalid){	/*for not invalid numbers*/
						amount=(float)atof(input);		/*convert to float*/
						if(amount < 0){			/*negative number inserted*/
							printf(" **Out of range\n");	/*print error message*/
							printf(" **Please reenter : ");	/*prompt to reenter*/
						}		/*end if*/
						else	/*valid number found*/
					}			/*end if*/
				}				/*end else*/
			}					/*end while*/
			/*storing the transaction*/
			transaction_account[tot_transactions]=ac_no;		/*store the transaction acc no.*/
			transaction_type[tot_transactions]=type;			/*store the transaction acc type*/
			transaction_amount[tot_transactions]=amount;		/*store the transaction amount*/
			tot_transactions++;									/*increase total transactions*/
			for(i=0;i<tot_accounts;i++){						/*check all accounts*/
				if(active_account[i]==ac_no){					/*the current account found*/
					if(type=='c'){								/*credit transaction*/
						account_balance[i]-=amount;				/*update balance*/
					}		/*end if*/
					else if(type=='d'){							/*debit transaction*/
						account_balance[i]+=amount;				/*update balance*/
					}		/*end else*/
				}			/*end if*/
			}				/*end for*/
			if(i==tot_accounts){			/*new account encountered*/
				active_account[tot_accounts]=ac_no;		/*save account no. of new account*/
				if(type=='c')							/*credit transaction*/
					account_balance[tot_accounts]=0-amount;		/*initialize balance*/
				else									/*debit transaction*/
					account_balance[tot_accounts]=amount;	/*initialize balance*/
				tot_accounts++;							/*increase total number of accounts*/
				fp_account=fopen("accounts.dat","at");		/*open account file in append mode*/
				sprintf(input,"%d",active_account[tot_accounts-1]);	/*write account no. in string*/
				fprintf(fp_account,"%s:",input);	/*write account no. to file*/
				fprintf(fp_account,"%s\n",account_description[tot_accounts-1]);	/*writing account description to file*/
				fclose(fp_account);			/*close account file*/
			}				/*end if*/

			fp_transaction=fopen("transactions.dat","at");		/*open transaction file in append mode*/
			if(!fp_transaction){		/*transaction file can not be opened for writing*/
				printf(" **File \"transactions.dat\" could not be written\n");		/*prompt message*/
				printf(" **Transaction title \"%s\"  will not be saved\n",transaction_description[tot_transactions-1]);
			}		/*end if*/
			else{		/*transaction file opened*/
				sprintf(input,"%d",transaction_account[tot_transactions-1]);	/*write account no. in string*/
				fprintf(fp_account,"%s:",input);			/*write account no. to file*/
				fprintf(fp_transaction,"%s:",transaction_description[tot_transactions-1]);	/*write description to file*/
				fprintf(fp_transaction,"%c:",transaction_type[tot_transactions-1]);		/*write transaction type*/
				sprintf(input,"%.2f",transaction_amount[tot_transactions-1]);		/*write transaction amount to string*/
				fprintf(fp_account,"%s\n",input);	/*write transaction amount to file*/
				fclose(fp_transaction);				/*close transaction file*/
			}										/*end else*/
			break;			/*case 1 ends*/
		case 2:				/*show general ledger*/
			printf("\n\t\t\tGeneral Journal\n");	/*header for ledger*/
			printf("Account Description                          Debit      Credit\n");	
			printf("------- ------------------------------ ----------- -----------\n");
			for(i=0;i<tot_transactions;i++){		/*for each transaction*/
				printf("%7d",transaction_account[i]);		/*print account number*/
				printf(" %s",transaction_description[i]);		/*printing description*/
				for(j=30-strlen(transaction_description[i]);j>=0;j--)	/*printing blanks*/
					printf(" ");
				if(transaction_type[i]=='d')				/*debit*/
					printf("%11.2f\n",transaction_amount[i]);	/*print at debit column*/
				else{										/*credit*/
					printf("            %11.2f\n",transaction_amount[i]);	/*print at credit column*/
			}				/*end for*/
			break;			/*case 2 ends*/
		case 3:				/*show balance sheet*/
			tot_asset=tot_liability=tot_equity=0;	/*initialize asset, liability and equity*/
			printf("\n\t\t\tBalance Sheet\n");		/*header for balance sheet*/
			printf("Account Description                          Debit      Credit\n");
			printf("------- ------------------------------ ----------- -----------\n");
			for(i=0;i<tot_accounts;i++){			/*for each transaction*/
				if(active_account[i]>=1000 && active_account[i]<=1999){		/*asset accounts*/
					tot_asset+=account_balance[i];		/*update total asset*/
					printf("%7d",active_account[i]);	/*print account number*/
					printf(" %s",account_description[i]);		/*printing description*/
					for(j=30-strlen(account_description[i]);j>=0;j--)	/*printing blanks*/
						printf(" ");
					if(account_balance[i]>0)						/*debit*/
						printf("%11.2f\n",account_balance[i]);	/*print at debit column*/
					else											/*credit*/
						printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*account_balance[i]);	/*print at credit column*/
				}		/*end if*/
			}			/*end for*/
			printf("                                       ----------- -----------\n");
			printf("          Total Assets                 ");		/*total of asset accounts*/
			if(tot_asset>0)			/*debit major*/
				printf("%11.2f\n\n",tot_asset);		/*print at debit column*/
			else						/*credit major*/
				printf("            %11.2f\n\n",(-1)*tot_asset);		/*print at credit column*/

			for(i=0;i<tot_accounts;i++){			/*for each transaction*/
				if(active_account[i]>=2000 && active_account[i]<=2999){		/*liability accounts*/
					tot_liability+=account_balance[i];		/*update total liability*/
					printf("%7d",active_account[i]);		/*print account number*/
					printf(" %s",account_description[i]);
					for(j=30-strlen(account_description[i]);j>=0;j--)	/*printing blanks*/
						printf(" ");
					if(account_balance[i]>0)		/*debit*/
						printf("%11.2f\n",account_balance[i]);	/*print at debit column*/
					else							/*credit*/
						printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*account_balance[i]);	/*print at credit column*/
				}		/*end if*/
			}			/*end for*/
			printf("                                       ----------- -----------\n");
			printf("          Total Liabilities            ");		/*total liabilities printing*/
			if(tot_liability>0)	/*debit major*/
				printf("%11.2f\n\n",tot_liability);		/*print at debit column*/
			else					/*credit major*/
				printf("            %11.2f\n\n",(-1)*tot_liability);	/*print at credit column*/

			for(i=0;i<tot_accounts;i++){			/*for each transaction*/
				if(active_account[i]>=3000 && active_account[i]<=3999){		/*equity accounts*/
					tot_equity+=account_balance[i];			/*update total equity*/
					printf("%7d",active_account[i]);		/*print account number*/
					printf(" %s",account_description[i]);		/*printing description*/
					for(j=30-strlen(account_description[i]);j>=0;j--)	/*printing blanks*/
						printf(" ");
					if(account_balance[i]>0)	/*debit*/
						printf("%11.2f\n",account_balance[i]);	/*print at debit column*/
					else						/*credit*/
						printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*account_balance[i]);		/*print at credit column*/
				}		/*end if*/
			}			/*end for*/
			printf("                                       ----------- -----------\n");
			printf("          Total Equity                 ");		/*printing total equity*/
			if(tot_equity>0)		/*debit major*/
				printf("%11.2f\n",tot_equity);		/*print at debit column*/
			else					/*credit major*/
				printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*tot_equity);		/*print at credit column*/
			printf("                                       ----------- -----------\n");
			printf("          Total Liabilities and Equity ");		/*total liabilities and equity printing*/

			if((tot_equity+tot_liability)>0)	/*debit major*/
				printf("%11.2f\n",(tot_equity+tot_liability));	/*print at debit column*/
			else								/*credit major*/
				printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*(tot_equity+tot_liability));		/*print at credit column*/

			break;		/*case 3 ends*/

		case 4:							/*printing income statement*/
			tot_revenue=tot_expense=0;	/*initialize asset, liability and equity*/
			printf("\n\t\t\tIncome Statement\n");		/*header for balance sheet*/
			printf("Account Description                          Debit      Credit\n");
			printf("------- ------------------------------ ----------- -----------\n");
			for(i=0;i<tot_accounts;i++){			/*for each transaction*/
				if(active_account[i]>=4000 && active_account[i]<=4999){		/*revenue accounts*/
					tot_revenue+=account_balance[i];		/*update total revenue*/
					printf("%7d",active_account[i]);		/*print account number*/
					printf(" %s",account_description[i]);		/*printing description*/
					for(j=30-strlen(account_description[i]);j>=0;j--)	/*printing blanks*/
						printf(" ");
					if(account_balance[i]>0)		/*debit*/
						printf("%11.2f\n",account_balance[i]);	/*print at debit column*/
					else							/*credit*/
						printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*account_balance[i]);	/*print at credit column*/
				}		/*end if*/
			}			/*end for*/
			printf("                                       ----------- -----------\n");
			printf("          Total Revenue                ");		/*total liabilities printing*/
			if(tot_revenue>0)	/*debit major*/
				printf("%11.2f\n\n",tot_revenue);		/*print at debit column*/
			else					/*credit major*/
				printf("            %11.2f\n\n",(-1)*tot_revenue);	/*print at credit column*/

			for(i=0;i<tot_accounts;i++){			/*for each transaction*/
				if(active_account[i]>=5000 && active_account[i]<=5999){		/*equity accounts*/
					tot_expense+=account_balance[i];			/*update total expense*/
					printf("%7d",active_account[i]);		/*print account number*/
					printf(" %s",account_description[i]);		/*printing description*/
					for(j=30-strlen(account_description[i]);j>=0;j--)	/*printing blanks*/
						printf(" ");
					if(account_balance[i]>0)	/*debit*/
						printf("%11.2f\n",account_balance[i]);	/*print at debit column*/
					else						/*credit*/
						printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*account_balance[i]);		/*print at credit column*/
				}		/*end if*/
			}			/*end for*/
			printf("                                       ----------- -----------\n");
			printf("          Total Expense                ");		/*printing total equity*/
			if(tot_expense>0)		/*debit major*/
				printf("%11.2f\n",tot_expense);		/*print at debit column*/
			else					/*credit major*/
				printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*tot_expense);		/*print at credit column*/
			printf("                                       ----------- -----------\n");
			printf("          Net Income                   ");		/*total liabilities and equity printing*/

			if((tot_expense+tot_revenue)>0)	/*debit major*/
				printf("%11.2f\n",(tot_expense+tot_revenue));	/*print at debit column*/
			else								/*credit major*/
				printf("            %11.2f\n",(-1)*(tot_expense+tot_revenue));		/*print at credit column*/

			break;		/*case 4 ends*/	
		}				/*switch ends*/
		printf("\n\n");	/*printing two line space*/
	}					/*end main while loop*/
}						/*end main function*/