Hi, i am trying to redirect stdout, in a previous fourum i asked how to redirect ir to a file, and it works, but the thing its that i need to omit that file and save the stdout in a variable, so this variable can be accessed like a queue in c# this is my code, i am using JNI to run JBoss aplication server:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	FILE *stream;
	char linea[1024];
	JNIEnv* env;
	char acumulador[BUFSIZ];	
	stream = freopen("Hola.txt", "w", stdout);
	env = create_vm();	
	invoke_class( env );	

I use this code and works prefectly but like I said i need to omit the hola.txt, i was thinking in some thing like

stream = freopen(acumulador, "w", stdout);
but it does not work

there its another C function named:
void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *acumulador);
but i dont know how to use it

can some one help me...

thanks in advance