Hi, I am learning C and the book made me type in the included program. Its teh part about using malloc/free functions.

It compiles fine & works but my compiler gives me the following warnings:

1 - implicit declaration of malloc
2 - assignment makes pointer from integer

Above are both about the line which has malloc in it and the last warning is:

3: implict declaration of function free

What exactly is a implicit declaration ? I know malloc returns an adres to allocated memory but why is it implicit ?

The program :

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int index, aant;
float *vec, som;

// invoer arraylengte
printf("Aantal:\n"); scanf("%d",&aant);

// geheugen reserveren
vec = malloc(aant * sizeof(float));
if (!vec)
printf("geen geheugen!");
return 1;

// gegevens invoeren
for(index = 0; index < aant; index++)

// som berekenen
for(index = 0, som = 0; index < aant; index++)
som = som + vec[index];

// resultaat weergeven
printf("som: %g\n",som);

// geheugen vrijgeven

return 0;