Thread: pull out data frm a text file based on a condition

  1. #1
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    pull out data frm a text file based on a condition

    My txt file is of the format:

    Date Station Operator Task Action

    and a list of values under each heading.. Now how do i write a C code to pull up records tht match a specific value under "TASK"...... say for example, if Task = Vendor Setup, then the result shld show me all the records whr task was equal to vendor setup...

    Thanx in advance !!!!

  2. #2
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    I'd probably scan all the files into an array and then when the specific column is called you can print out the data in that column.

  3. #3
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    i dint quite get tht..cud u help me with the codin part of it.. i need to first open the file using fopen and then perform the action...

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    This should get you started.
    #define COLS 5 //for the amount of titles you have
    #define ROW ?? //need to put how many of each rows you have
    int main(void)
       FILE *fpIn;
       int arr[ROW][COLS];
       int i, j;
       if ((fpIn = fopen("filename.txt", "r")) != NULL)
             for(i = 0; i < ROW; i++)
                for(j = 0; j < COLS; j++)       
                fscanf("fpIn", %d, arr[i][j]);
       return 0;

  6. #6
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    The code so far i've written is:

    int main()
       FILE *in_file;
       char Operator[5];
       char Task[20];
       in_file = fopen (data.txt, "r");
       if (in_file == NULL)
          printf ("Error opening file \n");
          exit (-1);
    Now am stuck as to how I need to read the task column frm text file 2 array and chk for the condition...

  7. #7
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    I wudnt be able to quote the no. of rows and columns as this text file is auto copied frm the log file on the database !!!!

  8. #8
    Fear the Reaper...
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    I wudnt be able to quote the no. of rows and columns as this text file is auto copied frm the log file on the database !!!!
    True, but you could find those out for a given file.
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  9. #9
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    The problem is the txt file gets updated with the log file... so its not possible to count the no. of rows and columns every time !!!!
    I wrote a piece of code...
    # include <stdio.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    # include <string.h>
    int main()
      FILE *in_file;
      char dataFile[20];
      char date[20];
      char operator[30];
      char ts[80];
      printf("&#203;nter file name");
      scanf ("%s", dataFile);
      in_file = fopen(dataFile, "r");
      fgets(ts,sizeof(ts), in_file);
      if ( strstr(ts,"Vendor Setup" != NULL))
          printf("Data found");
       return 0;
    On compiling, it gave me a warning msg..but it did create the .obj and .exe files.. When i tried to run it, it prompted me to &#203;nter the filename... when i entered the name, it went blank and gave an error msg tht it has 2 close !!!!

    Cud u plz guide me thro' whr i've gone wrong ????

  10. #10
    Hurry Slowly vart's Avatar
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    if ( strstr(ts,"Vendor Setup" != NULL))
    you shouldn't ignore the warnings

    if ( strstr(ts,"Vendor Setup") != NULL)
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  11. #11
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    I did correct it but stil is the same..the warning msg comes no more but then when i enter the name of file, it closes off completely with an error !!! Cud u plz guide me thro'whr am doin a mistake !!!

    Sure, wud make note of warning msgs hereon, i actually thght they were not 2 be bothered abt til u let me knw !!! Thnx once again !!!

  12. #12
    Hurry Slowly vart's Avatar
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    what is the warning?
    All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection,
    except for the problem of too many layers of indirection.
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  13. #13
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    thrz no warning msg any more.... it jus shows " filterdaa.c has encountered an error and needs to close" this comes up when i run the program and when it prompts me 2 enter the file name....

  14. #14
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    char dataFile[20];
    if ( fgets( dataFile, sizeof(dataFile), stdin) != NULL ) {
       char *newline = strchr( dataFile, '\n');
       if ( newline != NULL )
          *newline = '\0';
    or some variant. fgets will shove the \n character in a buffer if there is room for it. Otherwise it is left in the stream. This newline character can mess up comparisons and filepath validations, as in this case.

  15. #15
    Hurry Slowly vart's Avatar
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    1. it works fine for me
    2. probably - you enter the wrong file name, so your in_file pointer is null but you didn't check it
    3. add checks for return values of the fopen and fgets
    4. check for the buffer overrun in scanf (or replace it with fgets or at least change the format to %19s
    5. 20 characters is not enough for the general file name
    All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection,
    except for the problem of too many layers of indirection.
    – David J. Wheeler

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