Thread: need some help with last part of arrays

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    need some help with last part of arrays

    The last part of this project is that I have to read the numbers from a text file. I've looked at all the posts and FAQ's but they haven't really help me since, I'm not allowed to use sizeof, malloc or anything like that for this project.

    I have to use fscanf to put the list of numbers from the text file. and the size of the array back to main. Part of it is I dont' know what to make with my for loop, the other part i don't know. As I said on my other post the array size is not set, instructor will test it with a random list he has of 1-100 numbers though. When I get the array back to main and the size everything I'll be done. Thank you.

    // Compiler Includes
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    // Project Includes 
    // Constants
    #define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 100
    #define MAX_STRING_LENGTH 80
    // Function Prototypes 
    void PrintArray(double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    int GetInput( double OutPutList[]);
    double MaxNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    double MinNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    double MenNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    double MedNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    double StdDev(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    double SumNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    void   SrtNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize);
    void   disply(double max, double min, double mean, double med, double std);
    void   bubblesort(  double a[], int sizer);
    int main(void) { 
     int numlist = 0;
     double testA[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
     double highestNum = 0;
     double lowestNum = 0;
     double MeanNum = 0;
     double MedianNum = 0;
     double StdDevNum = 0;
     double SumNumbers = 0;
      numlist = GetInput(testA);
      printf("numbers of numbers %f\n", numlist);
      highestNum = MaxNum(testA, numlist);
      lowestNum = MinNum(testA, numlist);
      MeanNum = MenNum(testA, numlist);
      MedianNum = MedNum(testA, numlist);
      StdDevNum = StdDev(testA, numlist);
      disply(highestNum, lowestNum, MeanNum, MedianNum, StdDevNum);
    return 0;
    } // end main
    int GetInput(double OutPutList[]) {
    	int numbersFound = 0;
    	int value = 0;
    	char inputFileName[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = {'\0'};
    	FILE *inputFileHandle = NULL;   
    	double currentNumber[] = {0};
    	int  endOfFile = 0;
    	int i = 0;
    	//begin function
      printf("Enter file name: ");
      inputFileHandle = fopen(inputFileName, "r");
    	if (inputFileHandle == NULL) {
    		printf("ERROR: The file %s could not be found!\n", inputFileName);
    	} // end if
    	else {
    		endOfFile = fscanf(inputFileHandle, "%lf", &currentNumber[value]);
    	// read text numbers put them into array
    // having horrible time here figuring out why my array won't build
    			while (endOfFile != EOF) {
                                for (i = 0; i < ?????;  i++) {
    			    OutPutList[value] = fscanf(inputFileHandle,"%lf", &currentNumber[value]);
    			numbersFound++; // increase number counter
    			} // end for loop
    		endOfFile = fscanf(inputFileHandle, "%lf", &currentNumber[value]);
        } // end while
        // Close input file
      } // end else
    return numbersFound;
    } // end function
    double MaxNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize) {
    	int	i = 0;
    	double max = inputArray[0]; // assume max number
    	for(i = 0; i < inputArraySize; i++) { // for loop brace
    		if (inputArray[i] > max) { // if brace 	
    			max = inputArray[i];
    		} // if loop end
    	} // for loop end
    return max;
    } // end function MaxNum
    double MinNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize) {
    	int	i = 0;
    	double min = inputArray[0]; // assume max number
    		for(i = 0; i < inputArraySize; i++) { // for loop brace
    			if (inputArray[i] < min) { // if brace 	
    			min = inputArray[i];
    			} // if loop end
    		} // for loop end
    return min;
    } // end function MinNum
    double SumNum (const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize) {
    	int i = 0;
    	double sum = 0;
    		for(i = 0; i < inputArraySize; i++) {
    			sum = inputArray[i]+ sum;
    return sum;
    } // end function SumNum
    double MenNum(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize) {
    	//int	i = 0;
    	double mean = 0; // assume max number
        double total = 0;
    		total = SumNum(inputArray, inputArraySize);
    		mean = total/inputArraySize;
    return mean;
    } // end function MenNum
    void bubblesort( double a[], int sizer) {
    	int pass;
    	int j;
    	double hold;
    	for(pass = 1; pass < sizer; pass++) {
    		for (j = 0; j < sizer-1; j++) {
    			if (a[j] > a[j + 1]) {
    				hold = a[j];
    				a[j] = a[j + 1];
    				a[j + 1] = hold;
    			} // end if
    		} // end inner for
    	} // end outer for
    } // end bubble sort function
    double MedNum( const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize) {
    	double medianNum = 0;
    	double bubbleArray[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
    	int k = 0;
    		for(k = 0; k < inputArraySize; k++) {
    			bubbleArray[k] = inputArray[k];
    			bubblesort(bubbleArray, inputArraySize); 
    				if(inputArraySize%2==0)	{ // if array size modulated by 2 leaves no remainder
    									  // array size is even
    					medianNum = (bubbleArray[(inputArraySize)/2] + bubbleArray[inputArraySize/2-1])/2;
    				} // end if
    				else // else array size is odd
    					medianNum = bubbleArray[inputArraySize/2];
    				} // end else
    return medianNum; // return the median number
    } // end function MedNum
    double StdDev(const double inputArray[], int inputArraySize) {
    	int	i = 0;
    	double mean = 0;
    	double std = 0;
    	double x = 0;
    		mean = MenNum(inputArray, inputArraySize);
    			for (i = 0; i < inputArraySize; i++) {
    				x += (inputArray[i]-mean)*(inputArray[i]-mean);
    			x = x/(inputArraySize);
    			std = sqrt(x);
    return std;
    } // end function StdDev
    void disply(double max, double min, double mean, double med, double std) {
    	printf("The higest value is: %f\n", max);
    	printf("The lowest value is: %f\n", min);
    	printf("The mean value is: %f\n", mean);
    	printf("The median value is: %f\n", med);
    	printf("The standard deviation is: %f\n", std);
    } // end function disply
    void PrintArray(double inputArray[], int inputArraySize) { 
    	int i = 0;
    		for (i = 0; i < inputArraySize; i++) {
    		printf("The numbers in the array are: %f\n", inputArray[i]);
     } // end function PrintArray
    Last edited by Lince; 11-17-2006 at 10:59 PM.

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