Hello all,

I have been writing a phonebook application. I am encountering an issue I cannot solve. The phonebook is based on a sorted linked list (sorted by First name) so adding a contact to the phonebook means a new node in the list is created and added. I have a problem adding the nodes in the proper order (function "insertSorted")

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct
      char* firstName;
      char* lastName;

typedef struct
      int day;
      int month;
      int year;

typedef struct
      nameDetails name;
      char* phone;
      Date dateOfBirth;
      char* address;

typedef struct Node_s
      Person data;
      struct Node_s* next;

typedef struct
      Node* start;
      int num;

void getDOB (Date* ptr); // Date of birth
void getData(char** ptr, char* message);

List* createList ()
      List* ptrOfList=NULL;
      if (ptrOfList) //success to allocate
	  else //fail to allocate
		  return NULL;
      return ptrOfList;

int insertSorted (List* ptrOfList, Person* ptrOfNewRecord)
	Node* ptrOfNewNode=NULL; // pointer to the new node
	Node* currentPtr=NULL; // pointer which will go over the linked list

	ptrOfNewNode=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //creating a new node
	if (ptrOfNewNode) //allocation successful
		ptrOfNewNode->data=*ptrOfNewRecord; //putting the Person's new details into the data field of the node
		// check where to insert the new node
		currentPtr=ptrOfList->start; // currentPtr will point to the beginning of the list
		if (currentPtr!=NULL)
			// list is not empty
			while ((currentPtr->next!=NULL) && (stricmp(currentPtr->data.name.firstName,ptrOfNewRecord->name.firstName)<0))
				// still need to search, since First name is smaller
				printf ("\nSearching...................................\n");
			// Let's put the new node in the correct location
			printf ("putting new node!\n");

			// list is empty
			printf ("\nList is empty. putting in the beginning...\n");
		//allocation failed
	return 1; 

Person* searchRecordByName (List* ptrOfList, char* reqName)
      if (ptrOfList->num=0)
		  printf ("List is empty.\n");
          return NULL;
	  //List not empty, let's get desired name
	  printf ("Please enter desired name to look for");


int removeRecordByFullName (List* ptrOfList, nameDetails* ptrOfNameDetails)
	Node* currentPtr=NULL; // Will be used in order to go over each node in the list
	ptrOfNameDetails=(nameDetails*)malloc(sizeof(nameDetails)); //Allocating memory for the Person's new data
   // need to check if there is enough memo
	if (ptrOfList->num=0)
		printf ("List is empty.\n");
		return 1;

	while ((currentPtr!=NULL) && (ptrOfNameDetails->firstName!=currentPtr->data.name.firstName) && (ptrOfNameDetails->lastName!=currentPtr->data.name.lastName))
		//need to continue searching

	if (currentPtr==NULL)
		// arrived to the end of the list and didn't find the needed information
		printf ("Couldn't find the following name to delete: %s %s",ptrOfNameDetails->firstName, ptrOfNameDetails->lastName);
		// record found
		printf ("record found");

	return 0;

void printAllList (List* ptrOfList)
	Node* currentPtr=NULL;

      if (ptrOfList->num==0)
              printf ("\nThe phonebook is empty!\n\n");
	  // List is not empty
      while (currentPtr!=NULL)
		  printf ("First name: %s\n"
				"Last name: %s\n"
				"Phone: %s\n"
				"Address: %s\n"
				"Day of birth: %d\n"
				"Month of birth: %d\n"
				"Year of birth: %d\n\n\n"

void getData(char** ptr, char* message)
   char str[30];

	printf ("%s", message);
    scanf ("%s",str); //Getting the item from the user
    *ptr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str) + 1); //Allocating memory for the item to add
	// TODO: Check if there is enough memo
    strcpy (*ptr, str);

/* This function will send allocate memory for the Person's new data and will send to "getData" and "getDOB" the address of each field */

Person* getAllUserDetails ()
       Person* ptrOfStruct=NULL;

       ptrOfStruct=(Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person)); //Allocating memory for the Person's new data
	   // need to check if there is enough memo

		getData(&(ptrOfStruct->name.firstName), "Please enter First name: ");
		getData(&(ptrOfStruct->name.lastName),  "Please enter Last name: ");
		getData(&(ptrOfStruct->phone),  "Please enter phone number: ");
		getData(&(ptrOfStruct->address),  "Please enter address: ");

	   return ptrOfStruct;

nameDetails* getNameDetails ()
	nameDetails* ptrOfNameDetails=NULL;
	ptrOfNameDetails=(nameDetails*)malloc(sizeof(nameDetails)); //Allocating memory for the name details (for the erase)
	// need to check if there is enough memo

	getData(&(ptrOfNameDetails->firstName), "Please enter the First name of the record you want to remove: \n");
	getData(&(ptrOfNameDetails->lastName), "Please enter the Last name of the record you want to remove: \n");

	return ptrOfNameDetails;

void getDOB (Date* ptr)
	printf ("Please enter Day of birth: ");
	scanf("%d", &(ptr->day));

	printf ("Please enter Month of birth: ");
	scanf("%d", &(ptr->month));

	printf ("Please enter Year of birth: ");
	scanf("%d", &(ptr->year));


int main ()
   int action;
   List* ptrOfListMngr=NULL;
   Person* ptrOfNewPerson=NULL;
   nameDetails* ptrOfNameDetails=NULL;
   ptrOfListMngr=createList (); //will return the PTR of the list manager
   if (ptrOfListMngr==NULL)
	   printf ("Cannot allocate memory for the list manager");
	//	exit;

       printf ("\n\n" 
			"My phonebook\n"
			"0 - Exit\n"
			"1 - Add a record\n"
			"2 - Print the phonebook\n"
			"3 - Search record by name\n"
			"4 - Remove a record\n"		
			"5 - Erase all phonebook\n"
			"6 - Download phonebook to file\n"
			"7 - Upload phonebook from file\n"
			"Please enter your choice: ");

       fflush(stdin); //clean the keyboard buffer

       switch (action)
       case 1:

       case 2:
             printAllList (ptrOfListMngr);

	   case 3:

	   case 4:

               break; // back to main menu
   } while (action!=0);

If you add: "Alex", "George", "Steve", it works (you can display the list and see) but if you add contacts in this following order: "Alex", "Steve", "George", it doesn't put "George" alfter "Alex" meaning in the right order...

Please help...
