Thread: What's wrong with my code here???

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    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    What's wrong with my code here???

    Hello, everybody. Need help with this program. It's meant to take a pattern 1 and replace the first occurance in a string with pattern 2. The patterns are case sensitive. I keep getting a segmentation fault.

    Here's an example of what the code should do:

    Text before code:

    Chris is great!

    Text after code with i as pattern 1 and x as pattern 2.

    Chrxs is great!

    Here's my code:

    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     char str[5];        //Char to hold .out
     char * line;        //Char to hold line read in.
     char * pch;         //Char to hold first occurance of pattern
     char * string;      //Char to hold the entire string.
     char * string2;     //Makes a second array to hold the modified string.
     char * replace1;    //Char to hold string of pattern to replace.
     char * replace2;    //Char to hold string of pattern to replace with.
     FILE * inFILE;      //Name of file to read in.
     char * outFILE;     //Name of outfile.
     int in, out;        //Int to hold the return values of in, out, and nread.
     if (argc != 4)
      fprintf(stderr,"Not enough arguments.\n"); //Prints out error message if there is not 
                                                 //enough arguments.
      exit(1); //Exits the program and returns failure.
     strcpy (str, ".out"); //Copies .out to str.
     replace1 = argv[2]; //Gets the pattern to be replaced from the arguments.
     replace2 = argv[3]; //Gets the pattern that will replace pattern one from the arguments.
     string = (char*) malloc (101); //Allocates memory for string.
     inFILE = fopen(argv[1],"r"); //Opens the file.
     outFILE = argv[1]; //Gets the name of the file.
     strncat (outFILE,str,5); //Adds .out to that end of the file.
     out = open(outFILE, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWUSR); //Uses system calls
     //to open the outfile and create permissions for the file.
     if (out == -1)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error with system calls.\n"); //Prints error message if there is an error
                                                     //opening the outfile.
      exit(1); //Exits the program and returns failure.
     if (inFILE == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file.\n"); //Prints error message if there is an error
                                                //opening the infile.
      exit(1); //Exits the program and returns failure.
     if (!feof(inFILE))
      line = fgets(string, 101, inFILE); //Gets a string from the array.
      pch = strstr (line,replace1); //Finds the first occurance of replace1.
      int index; //Declares an int variable named index.
      string2 = (char *) malloc (101); //Allocates memory for string2.
      index = strlen(string2); //Makes index equal to the length of string2
      if (pch == NULL)
       strcpy (string2, string); //Copies string if pch is null.
       memcpy (string2, line, (strlen(string) - strlen(pch))); //Copies the string up to the
                                                               //first occurance of replace1.
       string2[index] = '\0'; //Adds null terminating value to the end of string2.
       strncat (string2, replace2, strlen(replace2)); //Adds replace2 to the modified string.
       strncat (string2, pch + strlen(replace1), (strlen(pch) - strlen(replace1))); //Adds the
       //rest of the string to the modified string.
       write (out, string2, strlen(string2)); //Writes the string to file.
      fprintf(stderr, "Error detected in file.\n"); //Prints error message if there is an error
                                                    //with the file.
      exit(1); //Exits the program and returns failure.
     if (out == -1)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error with system calls.\n"); //Prints error message if there is an error
                                                     //closeing the file.
      exit(1); //Exits the program and returns failure.
     close(out); //Closes the output file.
     fclose (inFILE); //Closes the input file.
     free (string2); //Frees the memory used to create string2.
     free (string); //Frees the memory used to create string.
     exit(0); //Exits program and returns success.
    Any help given will be greated appreciated.



    Chris Beech
    Last edited by kahad; 11-07-2006 at 09:18 AM.

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