Hi all,

I’m kind of newbie in C programming. I am trying to write a little application which compares 2 text files from the user, compare between them (line by line) and writes in a third file the differences between the 2 first.

I have chosen to use “fgets” command to read the lines, but my program crashes. There are no compilation errors. It fails on the “While”

Can you please take a look?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main ()
	FILE* firstHandle;
	FILE* secondHandle;

	char* firstFileLine=NULL;
	char* secondFileLine=NULL;

	char firstFile[15];
	char secondFile[15];


	printf ("\nPlease enter filename of first file: ");
	scanf ("%s",firstFile);
	printf ("\nPlease enter filename of second file: ");
	scanf ("%s",secondFile);

	// open both files
	firstHandle=fopen (firstFile,"rt");
	if (firstHandle==NULL)
		printf ("\nCannot open firstfile: %s\n",firstFile);

	secondHandle=fopen (secondFile,"rt");
	if (secondHandle==NULL)
		printf ("\nCannot open second file: %s\n",secondFile);
	//let's read the lines until eof of the first given file. 
	while (fgets(firstFileLine, 50, firstHandle)!=NULL)
		//Do the compare stuff here
