hi guys
i need ur help in creating a process. my program is as follows

program is to

1) First print your name and student id;
2) Accept and parse user's input, which may consist of multiple (for simplicity at most 2) shell commands separated by '&' (ampersand) character
(for example ls -a & cat fork.c).
3) Create a child process using system call fork;
4) Execute the first command in the child process using system call exec; and
5) Execute the second command, if exists, in the parent process using system call exec.

Student ID is like any other ID. User will input it.
The fork() function is used to create a new process from an existing process.
The new process is called the child process, and the existing process is called the parent. You can tell which is which by checking the return value from fork(). The parent gets the child's pid returned to him, but the child gets 0 returned to him.