Overview: parse_field acts like fgets, except while fgets returns lines, parse_field returns whitespace delimited fields. However, unlike fgets, which simply returns the next line, parse_field also replaces all instances of '&' with char *user.

Before I extend the attached code any further, I would like more experienced programmers to critique any flaws, particularly those regarding design and harmful programming practices. Seeing as this code serves as the foundation for my soon-to-be larger program, I want to make sure that it's stable (and hopefully bulletproof).

However, char *field has been posing quite a bit of a problem (highlighted in red). If you notice, field is defined in parse_field, but since I return field, I have no chance to free it. Therefore, I made field global (which, if I'm not mistaken, is not the best programming practice) and free it in parse_line.

Note: Although state is not being used yet, it will be later.

Thanks in advance for any helpful criticism.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char *field;
const char *save, *user = "username";
int state = 0;

char *parse_line(const char *line);
char *parse_field(const char *line);

int main(void) {
    char *line = "The user is & \t and  his home is /home/&";
    return 0;

char *parse_line(const char *line) {
    while (parse_field(line)) {
        printf("Field: %s\n", field);

char *parse_field(const char *line) {
    const char *ampersand, *end, *start, *traverse;
    int ampersand_count = 0;
    size_t len, userlen = strlen(user);

    if (save && *save == '\0') {
        save = NULL;
        return NULL;
    if (!save) save = line;
    while(isspace(*save)) ++save;
    end = save;
    start = save;
    while (*end != '\0' && !isspace(*end)) ++end;
    save = end;
    len = end - start;
    field = malloc(len + 1);
    strncpy(field, start, len);
    field[len] = 0;

    traverse = start;
    for (; traverse != end; ++traverse) {
        if (*traverse == '&') ++ampersand_count;
    if (ampersand_count > 0) {
        field = malloc(len + ampersand_count * (userlen - 1) + 1);
        if (field == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        strncpy(field, start, len);
        field[len] = 0;
        while ((ampersand = strchr(field, '&'))) {
            memmove(ampersand + userlen, ampersand + 1, strlen(ampersand + 1));
            memcpy(ampersand, user, userlen);

    return field;