Hey all,

I am having an issue with my final programming assignment. Basically we have to create a program that collects a course code, subject name and 2 marks for the subject and write them to a file. I can do this without to much difficulty except for the subject name, if I try to input spaces the program skipps over the last two scanf statements and seem to loop at my menu screen (in a function not shown here) if I don't input spaces it works fine. Depending on how i modify the highlighted line below the program will sometimes skip right over that input screen and move on to the next.

int addSubject()
	//declare local variables
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	char courseCODE[8];
	char subjectNAME[31];
	float firstMARK;
	float secondMARK;
	FILE *fp;

		// Get course code from user
		system ("cls");
		printf("\n\n	Class Mark Subject Management \n\n");
		printf("		** Add Subject ** \n\n");
		printf("		Please enter the 7 digit course code \n");
		printf("\n	Please press <Enter> to continue ");
		scanf("%7s", courseCODE);

		// Check course code for alpha chars and convert them to upper case
		for(j=0; j<=7; j++)

		// Get input for subjectNAME from user
		system ("cls");
		printf("\n\n	Class Mark Subject Management \n\n");
		printf("		** Add Subject ** \n\n");
		printf("		Please enter the subject name \n");
		printf("\n	Please press <Enter> to continue ");
		scanf("%[^\n]", subjectNAME);

		// Get input for the firstMARK from user
		system ("cls");
		printf("\n\n	Class Mark Subject Management \n\n");
		printf("		** Add Subject ** \n\n");
		printf("		Please enter the first mark \n");
		printf("\n	Please press <Enter> to continue ");
		scanf("%f", &firstMARK);

		// Get input for the secondMARK from user
		system ("cls");
		printf("\n\n	Class Mark Subject Management \n\n");
		printf("		** Add Subject ** \n\n");
		printf("		Please enter the second mark \n");
		printf("\n	Please press <Enter> to continue ");
		scanf("%f", &secondMARK);

		// Open the file in append mode and write the data to it and close the file
		fp = fopen(MarkFile, "a");
		fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n%.2f\n%.2f\n" ,courseCODE, subjectNAME, firstMARK, secondMARK);

return 0;
I have tried the highlighted peice of code like this as well

scanf("%30s", subjectNAME);
Any help would be appreciated.

Oh one other question relating to posting, I am sure I will have a few more questions on this assignment but not realted to this particulare problem, should I creat new threads for those for the sake of searchability or continue to post in this thread.

