Thread: How do I explicitly set all the parameters in a data structure tagMPA_Config?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    How do I explicitly set all the parameters in a data structure tagMPA_Config?

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <winioctl.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include "QuaDef.h"
    #include "QuaDLL.h"
    #define TIMEOUT_SEC             10
    // Counter elements to count frames transmitted.
    long    counter;
    char digits[15];
    // This is the string we will transmit.
    char *pMsgString = "Jim's Chicago Style Pizza and German Beer Stand ";
    // configuration array pointer.
    PMPA_CONFIG		pMPA_cfg, pMPA_cfgOut;
    // Buffer length, including space for  the counter bytes.
    short BufferLen;
    // Receive buffer pointer.
    PUCHAR  pRxBuffer;
    // Transmit buffer pointer.
    PUCHAR  pTxBuffer;
    // Other miscellaneous variables.
    MPA_HANDLE		Handle1, Handle2;
    ULONG  SentbufferLen;
    void ResetFrames(PMPA_HANDLE pHandle, BOOLEAN tx, BOOLEAN rx);
    void init_config_array(int channel)
       // Set up all initial values in the configuration array.
         pMPA_cfg->set.all = 0;
         pMPA_cfg->InternalLoopback = FALSE;
         pMPA_cfg->set.bits.InternalLoopback = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->CRCPreset = 0;
         pMPA_cfg->set.bits.CRCPreset = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->structLen = sizeof(MPA_CONFIG);
    	 if(channel == 0)
    		pMPA_cfg->TxClockSource = BAUD_RATE_GEN;
    		pMPA_cfg->set.bits.TxClockSource = TRUE;
    		pMPA_cfg->RxClockSource = BAUD_RATE_GEN;
    		pMPA_cfg->set.bits.RxClockSource = TRUE;
    		pMPA_cfg->TxClockSource = TRXC;
    		pMPA_cfg->set.bits.TxClockSource = TRUE;
    		pMPA_cfg->RxClockSource = RTXC;
    		pMPA_cfg->set.bits.RxClockSource = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->Encoding = NRZ;
         pMPA_cfg->set.bits.Encoding = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->set.bits.BaudRate = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->BaudRate = 9600;
    	 pMPA_cfg->set.bits.ClockMode = TRUE;
    	 pMPA_cfg->ClockMode = 1;
         pMPA_cfg->set.bits.ClockRate = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->ClockRate = 9830400;
         pMPA_cfg->IdleLineControl = IDLE_LINE_FLAGS;
         pMPA_cfg->set.bits.IdleLineControl = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->set.bits.FrameBufferSizeRx = TRUE;
         pMPA_cfg->FrameBufferSizeRx = BufferLen;
    	 pMPA_cfgOut->structLen = sizeof(MPA_CONFIG);
    // Convert ascii hex to unsigned int.
    USHORT hextoui(char *numbertext)
        return((USHORT)strtol(numbertext, (char **)NULL, 16));
    // Convert ascii decimal to unsigned int.
    USHORT atoui(char *numbertext)
        return((USHORT)strtol(numbertext, (char **)NULL, 10));
    // Convert ascii decimal to unsigned char.
    UCHAR atouc(char *numbertext)
        return((UCHAR)strtol(numbertext, (char **)NULL, 10));
    // Convert ascii decimal to unsigned long.
    ULONG atoul(char *numbertext)
        return((ULONG)strtol(numbertext, (char **)NULL, 10));
    void process_options(int argc, char *argv[])
       int     index;
       char    *charptr;
       // Loop through all command line parameters, skipping the program name.
       for (index = 1; index <= (argc-1); index++)
          charptr = argv[index];
          // First character of parameter must be a slash.
          if (*charptr == '/')
             // The switch type follows the slash.  Decode the type and
             //   pass a pointer to the variable data to the conversion
             //   routine.
             switch (*charptr)
                // Change baud rate.
                case 'b':
                case 'B':
                   pMPA_cfg->BaudRate = atoul(++charptr);
                   printf("\nLPBCKBI (options)\n");
    short transmit(void)
       ULONG bytesWritten;
       MPA_ERROR_CODE  result;
       ltoa(counter, digits, 10);
       strcpy (pTxBuffer,pMsgString);
       strcat(pTxBuffer, digits);
       SentbufferLen = strlen(pTxBuffer);
       // Transmit data
       result = MPA_PutData(&Handle1, pTxBuffer, SentbufferLen, &bytesWritten, NULL);
       if (result != ERR_NO_ERROR)
            printf("Error starting frame transmission %x", result);
       return 0;
    void SyncDriveExit(void)
       // This exit routine takes care of required cleanup.
       // It's important not to exit with any locked memory lying around!
    	MPA_ERROR_CODE  result;
        if ((result = MPA_Close(&Handle1)) != ERR_NO_ERROR)
            printf("ERROR: Unable to close device. Error code %d\n", result);
    	if ((result = MPA_Close(&Handle2)) != ERR_NO_ERROR)
            printf("ERROR: Unable to close device. Error code %d\n", result);
        printf("Closed device.  Handle =\n");
       // Print current buffer statuses.
    void AbnormalExit(int signal)
       // This function ensures that the exit handler gets
       // called if Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, etc. occurs.
    void main(int argc, char *argv[])
       MPA_ERROR_CODE	err;
       UCHAR			deviceNumber1 = 0, deviceNumber2 = 1; //just for one device
       BOOLEAN			overlapped = 0;
       UCHAR			timeout;
       ULONG			frameCnt;
       ULONG			bytesWritten;
       MPA_ERROR_CODE result;
    // Setup handlers for Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, etc.
       signal(SIGINT, AbnormalExit);
       signal(SIGTERM, AbnormalExit);
       // Initialize the counter to "00000".
       counter = 0;
       // Open first device
       Handle1.structLen = sizeof(MPA_HANDLE);
       err =  MPA_Open(&Handle1, deviceNumber1, overlapped);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    	  printf("ERROR: Unable to open first device. Error code %d.\n", err);
       // Open second
       Handle2.structLen = sizeof(MPA_HANDLE);
       err =  MPA_Open(&Handle2, deviceNumber2, overlapped);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    	  printf("ERROR: Unable to open second device. Error code %d.\n", err);
       // Allocate memory for the channel configuration array.
       // For Windows, it should be locked memory.
       if ((pMPA_cfg = malloc(sizeof(MPA_CONFIG))) == NULL)
          printf("Cannot allocate config array!\n");
       if ((pMPA_cfgOut = malloc(sizeof(MPA_CONFIG))) == NULL)
          printf("Cannot allocate config array!\n");
       printf("\n*** Quatech MPA-series adapter feedback example program ***\n\n");
       printf("Bit synchronous transfer between two boards (one if MPAC-100).\n");
       printf("Press Ctrl-Break to stop the program.\n\n");
       // Initialize the channel configuration array.
       // Buffer length is the string, and
       //  some extra space for the counter bytes.
       BufferLen = strlen(pMsgString ) + 0x10;
       pRxBuffer = (PUCHAR)(malloc(BufferLen));
       if(pRxBuffer == NULL)
          printf("Cannot allocate Rx_Buffer!\n");
       pTxBuffer = (char *)(malloc(BufferLen));
       if(pTxBuffer == NULL)
          printf("Cannot allocate TxBuffer!\n");
       // Check the SyncDrive version.
       ver.structLen = sizeof(MPA_DRIVER_VERSION);
       err = MPA_GetDriverVersion(&Handle1, &ver);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
          printf("Syncdrive release level error!\n\n");
       printf("Driver release level is %d.%d\n", ver.major, ver.minor);
       // Now process any options that override the defaults for first device.
       if (argc > 1)
            process_options(argc, argv);
       err = MPA_SetConfig(&Handle1, pMPA_cfg, pMPA_cfgOut);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
            printf("ERROR: Unable to configure first device. Error code %d.\n", err);
      //You must close and reopen for configuration values to take effect
       err =  MPA_Close(&Handle1);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    	  printf("ERROR: Unable to close device. Error code %d.\n", err);
       err = MPA_Open(&Handle1, deviceNumber1, overlapped);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    	  printf("ERROR: Unable to open device. Error code %d.\n", err);
       printf("First channel configuration status = %d \n",err);
       // Now process any options that override the defaults for second device.
       // Now process any options that override the defaults for first device.
       if (argc > 1)
            process_options(argc, argv);
       err = MPA_SetConfig(&Handle2, pMPA_cfg, pMPA_cfgOut);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
            printf("ERROR: Unable to configure second device. Error code %d.\n", err);
      //You must close and reopen for configuration values to take effect
       err =  MPA_Close(&Handle2);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    	  printf("ERROR: Unable to close device. Error code %d.\n", err);
       err = MPA_Open(&Handle2, deviceNumber2, overlapped);
       if(err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    	  printf("ERROR: Unable to open device. Error code %d.\n", err);
       printf("Second channel configuration status = %d \n",err);
       // Reset frames 
       ResetFrames(&Handle1, TRUE, TRUE);
       ResetFrames(&Handle2, TRUE, TRUE);
       printf("Press any key to start.\n");
          transmit();              // initialize and transmit buffer
          timeout = 0;
               MPA_GetFrameCount(&Handle2, &frameCnt);
          } while (frameCnt == 0 && ++timeout < TIMEOUT_SEC*10);
          if (timeout >= TIMEOUT_SEC*10)
               printf("ERROR: Did not receive frame!\n");
          if ((result = MPA_GetData(&Handle2, 
                                   NULL)) != ERR_NO_ERROR)
               printf("ERROR: Unable to get data. Error code %d\n", result);
          // put terminator in buffer to accommodate the printf statement
          *(pRxBuffer + SentbufferLen) = 0;
          // print received buffer
          printf("%s \n", pRxBuffer);
          // Compare the received buffer against transmitted buffer.
          if (strncmp(pRxBuffer,
                      strlen(pTxBuffer)) != 0)
             printf("Strings not the same.  Rx Length = %i.\n",
       }//End while(1)
    void ResetFrames(PMPA_HANDLE pHandle, BOOLEAN tx, BOOLEAN rx)
        MPA_ERROR_CODE  result;
        MPA_RESET_FRAMES reset;
        if (tx && rx)
            printf("Resetting Tx and Rx frame buffers.\n");
        else if (tx)
            printf("Resetting Tx frame buffer.\n");
        else if (rx)
            printf("Resetting Rx frame buffer.\n");
            printf("ERROR: Resetting neither frame buffer.\n");
        reset.structLen = sizeof(MPA_RESET_FRAMES);
        reset.tx = tx;
        reset.rx = rx;
        if ((result = MPA_ResetFrames(pHandle, &reset)) != ERR_NO_ERROR)
            printf("ERROR: Unable to reset Tx and Rx frame buffers. Error code %d\n", result);
    Last edited by Salem; 07-31-2006 at 03:11 PM. Reason: code tagged, for whatever good it will do

  2. #2
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    For future reference, you should do at least the following things when posting a question:

    0) Make sure you've defined your problem
    1) State your compiler and operating system
    2) Explain your problem completely (outside of the code), with examples if possible
    3) Post relevant parts of the code, preferrably a small test program that exhibits the problem.
    3a) Use code tags
    3b) If you use non-standard libraries, describe their function and/or provide reference links
    3c) Highlight the problematic area of your code
    4) Provide any external information, such as files or other test input
    My best code is written with the delete key.

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