Write a program to print out all Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500. 
If sum of cubes of each digit of the number is equal to the number itself, 
then the number is called an Armstrong number. 
For example, 
153 = (1*1*1) + (5*5*5) + (3*3*3)

	int number, temp, digit1, digit2, digit3;

	printf("Printing all Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500:\n\n");

	number = 001;

	while (number <= 500)
		digit1 = number%10;
		digit2 = (number%100) - ((number/100)*10);
		digit3 = number%1000;

		temp = (digit1*digit1*digit1) + (digit2*digit2*digit2) + (digit3*digit3*digit3);

		if (temp == number)
			printf("\nAmstrong Number:%d", temp);


Whats wrong with this code??

It does not give any output at all!