First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who participates in this forum. I've been reading some of the posts for a while, but not posted myself until now. Everyone who so freely offers their information is makes this forum so great.

Anyways to my question. I'm trying to learn to do network programming, in C, in Windows. I've scrounged around the "Network Programming" forum, and there's some good info in there. But most of the Windows programming is in C++. I downloaded Beej's Guide to Network Programming, and it's also got some good info, for C. But its for linux.

Currently, the computer I use the most is my laptop. I use it because when I travel, I can take it with me. I currently have a desktop running linux, and have tried one of Beej's examples. I like it very much, but I do most of my programming on my Windows Laptop. So my delima is, learning to program network stuff, in C, on Windows.

Is there a good starter tutorial to suit my needs? Beej mentioned the modifications needed to adapt his tutorial to Windows, but I'm not sure if i'm doing it right. If anyone knows a good windows tutorial, or could help me adapt my code from beej to work with windows, i'd be very greatful.

Thank you to everyone,