Thread: First Time Using Linked Lists, Having Trouble Replacing First Node

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    First Time Using Linked Lists, Having Trouble Replacing First Node


    This is the first time I've used linked lists before and I'm having trouble replacing the first "node" of my list. I have a function that takes a node, an old word, and a new word (both character strings). I'm able to replace every node fine unless the old word happens to be the first element.

    The thing is... everything appears to be working fine in my debugger (Visual Studios 2003) when I place a breakpoint at my return statement in the function. What I mean is that all of my prev and next pointers line up. I placed another breakpoint directly outside of my function call and I can see that the linked list I pass in does not contain the same data as the one I was working on in the function.

    The main thing I notice is that there are is an extra node placed behind what the linked list believes to be the first node.

    I don't really understand why the linked list in the function would be different than the one in my main loop because I'm passing in the one from the main loop so I thought they're the same.

    Sorry if this is confusing. I don't really know how to explain it better. I have a lot of code implemented so I don't want to post everything unless people find it necessary to answer my question.

    Here is my replace_words(). I have an arrow pointing to where I believe I should be resetting the initial pointer of the linked list.

    	Replaces all occurances of a character string in a WordNode linked list
    	with another.
    	\param words
    		A pointer to a pointer of the first node in the list. This is a 
    		linked list of words.
    	\param oldword
    		A character string which the function will try to find in the WordNode
    		list to replace.
    	\param newword
    		A character string that the function will try to replace the old character
    		string with.
    		Returns 0 upon sucess, -1 on fail.
    int replace_words(WordNode *words, const char *oldword, const char *newword)
    	int rVal = 0;
    	WordNode *temp = find_word(words, oldword);
    	/* while find_words finds occurances of oldword */
    		/* setting up temporary nodes */
    		WordNode *prev = temp->prev;
    		WordNode *next = temp->next;
    		/* setting the previous nodes next pointer to NULL so that we can
    			add a word after it with the add_word function */
    			prev->next = NULL;
    		rVal = add_word(&prev, newword);
    		/* if add_word was unable to allocate enough memory return in a fail state */
    		if(rVal != 0)
    			prev->next = temp;
    			return ERROR;
    		/* disconnecting temp from main list */
    		temp->next = NULL;
    		temp->prev = NULL;
    		/* deleting the old node */
    		delete_word(&temp, oldword);
    		/* connecting new nodes together */
    			prev->next->next = next;
    			next->prev = prev->next;
    		else	/* if prev will start the list */
    			prev->next = next;
    			next->prev = prev;
    			words = prev;   // <------------------------ where I reset the initial pointer
    		/* seeing if any more occurances of oldword exist */
    		temp = find_word(words, oldword);
    	} /* end while(temp) */
    	return 0;
    Here is what I'm using to test out my functionality. I Understand that you guys won't be able to run the whole thing without all of my other code so if you guys want to do that I can throw that up here as well.

    void SimpleWordTest1(void)
      unsigned i;
      unsigned count;
      WordNode *node;
      char *word, *oldword, *newword;
      WordNode *words1 = NULL;
      char *text[] = {"two", "two", "three", "two", "four",
                      "an", "computer", "fiver", "two", "four"};
      printf("\n***** SimpleWordTest1 *****\n");
      for (i = 0; i < sizeof(text) / sizeof(*text); i++)
        add_word(&words1, text[i]);
      add_word(&words1, "red");
      add_word(&words1, "green");
      add_word(&words1, "blue");
      word = "computer";
      node = find_word(words1, word);
      if (node)
        printf("Found the word: '%s'\n", node->word);
        printf("Did not find the word: '%s'\n", word);
      word = "DigiPen";
      node = find_word(words1, word);
      if (node)
        printf("Found the word: '%s'\n", node->word);
        printf("Did not find the word: '%s'\n", word);
      oldword = "two";
      newword = "2";
      printf("Replacing %s with %s:\n", oldword, newword);
      replace_words(words1, oldword, newword);
      word = "2";
      count = count_matching_words(words1, word);
      printf("The word '%s' appears %u time(s) in the list.\n", word, count);
      printf("Deleting all occurrences of the word '%s':\n", word);
      delete_word(&words1, word);  // <---- breaks in here because of pointer error I believe
      word = "digipen";
      printf("Deleting all occurrences of the word '%s':\n", word);
      delete_word(&words1, word);
      printf("Printing words in reverse:\n");
    Because it's breaking in delete_word I'll post that just to make sure it's ok.

    	Deletes a word from a WordNode list.
    	\param words
    		A pointer to a pointer of the first node in the list. This is a 
    		linked list of words.
    	\param word
    		A character string of which every occurance in the WordNode list will 
    		be deleted.
    void delete_word(WordNode **words, const char *word)
    	/* finding if any occurances of the word exist */
    	WordNode *temp = find_word(*words, word);
    	/* while occurances are found */
    		/* create temporary nodes*/
    		WordNode *prev = temp->prev;
    		WordNode *next = temp->next;
    		/* if node is the first there will be no previous node */
    		if(prev != NULL)
    			prev->next = next;	/* pointing previous node at new next node */
    			(*words) = next; /* if word occured in first node making 
    								words now point	to new first node*/
    		/* if word occured in last node there will be no next */
    		if(next != NULL)
    			next->prev = prev; /* pointing next node at new previous node */
    		/* getting rid of node with occurance of word*/
    		/* if there is no next node exit the function*/
    		if(next != NULL)
    			temp = find_word(*words, word);
    Thanks for any help you guys could give.

    Oh yeah... definition of a WordNode.

    struct WordNode
      char *word;
      struct WordNode *next;
      struct WordNode *prev;
    Last edited by Peter5897; 06-16-2006 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Gawking at stupidity
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Oregon, USA
    What does your add_word() function looks like?
    If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by itsme86
    What does your add_word() function looks like?
    	Adds a word to a WordNode linked list, or creates a new WordNode list.
    	\param words
    		A pointer to a pointer of the first node in the list. This is a 
    		linked list of words.
    	\param word
    		A character string to be added to the end of the list.
    		Returns 0 success, -1 on error.
    int add_word(WordNode **words, const char *word)
    	/* Initilizing the new node */
    	struct WordNode *pNode;
    	/* Allocating a new node */
    	pNode = (struct WordNode *) malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode));
    	/* If malloc failed return an error */
    	if(pNode == NULL)
    		return ERROR;
    	/* malloc the size of the word we're putting in */
    	pNode->word = (char *)malloc(strlen(word) + 1);
    	/* if malloc failed on strlen */
    	if(pNode->word == NULL)
    		/* free created node */
    		return ERROR;
    	strcpy(pNode->word, word);	/* copy the word to the node */
    	pNode->next = NULL;			/* Initialize next and prev (none yet) */
    	pNode->prev = NULL;
    	/* If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first
    	   node we are adding to the list. */
    	if ((*words) == NULL)
    		(*words) = pNode;
    		/* Find the end of the list */
    		struct WordNode *temp = (*words);
    		while (temp->next)
    			temp = temp->next;
    		temp->next = pNode; /* Put new node at the end */
    		pNode->prev = temp;	/* point pNode at the previous */
    	return 0;
    Haven't progressed any further on my own.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Jan 2006
    I've decided to just go ahead and post all the code I've written since I'm getting no where on my own. I've re-written these functions multiple times now and I either end up making things worse or getting right back to where I was when I started.

    Here's my driver program...
    #define CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
    #include <stdio.h>  /* printf, NULL   */
    #include <string.h> /* strcmp, strlen */
    #include <crtdbg.h>
    #include "Words.h"
    int CompareLengths(const char *word1, const char *word2)
      return (int)(strlen(word1) - strlen(word2));
    void SimpleWordTest1(void)
      unsigned i;
      unsigned count;
      WordNode *node;
      char *word, *oldword, *newword;
      WordNode *words1 = NULL;
      char *text[] = {"two", "two", "three", "two", "four",
                      "an", "computer", "fiver", "two", "four"};
      printf("\n***** SimpleWordTest1 *****\n");
      for (i = 0; i < sizeof(text) / sizeof(*text); i++)
        add_word(&words1, text[i]);
      add_word(&words1, "red");
      add_word(&words1, "green");
      add_word(&words1, "blue");
      word = "computer";
      node = find_word(words1, word);
      if (node)
        printf("Found the word: '%s'\n", node->word);
        printf("Did not find the word: '%s'\n", word);
      word = "DigiPen";
      node = find_word(words1, word);
      if (node)
        printf("Found the word: '%s'\n", node->word);
        printf("Did not find the word: '%s'\n", word);
      oldword = "two";
      newword = "2";
      printf("Replacing %s with %s:\n", oldword, newword);
      replace_words(words1, oldword, newword);
      word = "2";
      count = count_matching_words(words1, word);
      printf("The word '%s' appears %u time(s) in the list.\n", word, count);
      printf("Deleting all occurrences of the word '%s':\n", word);
      delete_word(&words1, word);
      word = "digipen";
      printf("Deleting all occurrences of the word '%s':\n", word);
      delete_word(&words1, word);
      printf("Printing words in reverse:\n");
    void SimpleWordTest2(void)
      unsigned i;
      WordNode *words1 = NULL;
      WordNode *words2 = NULL;
      char *text[] = {"computer", "languages", "three", "four",
                      "an", "DigiPen", "123", "Quotas"};
      printf("\n***** SimpleWordTest2 *****\n");
      for (i = 0; i < sizeof(text) / sizeof(*text); i++)
        insert_word(&words1, text[i], strcmp);
        insert_word(&words2, text[i], CompareLengths);
      printf("Ordered lexicographically:\n");
      printf("Ordered by length:\n");
    void SimpleLineTest1(void)
      unsigned count;
      WordNode *words1 = NULL;
      WordNode *words2 = NULL;
      WordNode *words3 = NULL;
      LineNode *lines = NULL;
      LineNode *ltemp;
      char *word, *oldword, *newword;
    //  char *text[] = {"digipen", "two", "three", "two", "four",
    //                  "an", "computer", "fiver", "two", "four"};
      char *text[] = {"two", "two", "three", "two", "four",
                      "an", "computer", "fiver", "two", "two"};
      unsigned i;
      printf("\n***** SimpleLineTest1 *****\n");
      for (i = 0; i < sizeof(text) / sizeof(*text); i++)
        add_word(&words1, text[i]);
        insert_word(&words2, text[i], strcmp);
        insert_word(&words3, text[i], CompareLengths);
      add_word(&words1, "red");
      add_word(&words2, "green");
      add_word(&words3, "blue");
      add_line(&lines, words1);
      add_line(&lines, words2);
      add_line(&lines, words3);
      word = "blue";
      ltemp = find_line(lines, word);
      if (ltemp)
        printf("Found '%s' in this line:\n", word);
        printf("Could not find '%s' in any line.\n", word);
      word = "yellow";
      ltemp = find_line(lines, word);
      if (ltemp)
        printf("Found '%s' in this line:\n", word);
        printf("Could not find '%s' in any line.\n", word);
      oldword = "two";
      newword = "technology";
      printf("Replacing %s with %s\n", oldword, newword);
      replace_words2(lines, oldword, newword);
      word = "technology";
      count = count_matching_words2(lines, word);
      printf("The word '%s' occurs %u time(s) in the list\n", word, count);
      word = "DigiPen";
      count = count_matching_words2(lines, word);
      printf("The word '%s' occurs %u time(s) in the list\n", word, count);
      printf("\nDeleting words\n");
      delete_word2(lines, "technology");
      delete_word2(lines, "digipen");
      delete_word2(lines, "blue");
      printf("\nDeleting words\n");
      delete_word2(lines, "computer");
      delete_word2(lines, "three");
      delete_word2(lines, "four");
      delete_word2(lines, "fiver");
      delete_word2(lines, "an");
      printf("\nDeleting words\n");
      delete_word2(lines, "red");
    int main(void)
      return 0;
    and my words.c
    #include <stdio.h>  /* printf, NULL */
    #include <malloc.h> /* malloc(), free() */
    #include <string.h> /* strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp() */
    #include "Words.h"
    #define ERROR	-1
    void print_words(WordNode *list)
        /* Loop until we hit the end. If the user passes in a NULL pointer, */
        /* this code will handle it correctly.                              */
      while (list)
        printf("%s ", list->word);
        list = list->next;
    void print_lines(LineNode *list)
      unsigned count = 0;
        /* Loop until we hit the end. If the user passes in a NULL pointer, */
        /* this code will handle it correctly.                              */
      while (list)
        printf("Line %2u: ", count); /* Format each line with a number */
        print_words(list->words);    /* Prints the actual words        */
        list = list->next;
    void print_words_reverse(WordNode *list)
    	/* if list passed in is not NULL print words in reverse */
    	if(list != NULL)
    		/* Loop until we hit the end so that we start printing from last node */
    			list = list->next;
    		/* prints out the words in reverse order until hitting a NULL pointer. */
    			printf("%s ", list->word);
    			list = list->prev;
    int add_word(WordNode **words, const char *word)
    	/* Initilizing the new node */
    	struct WordNode *pNode;
    	/* Allocating a new node */
    	pNode = (struct WordNode *) malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode));
    	/* If malloc failed return an error */
    	if(pNode == NULL)
    		return ERROR;
    	/* malloc the size of the word we're putting in */
    	pNode->word = (char *)malloc(strlen(word) + 1);
    	/* if malloc failed on strlen */
    	if(pNode->word == NULL)
    		/* free created node */
    		return ERROR;
    	strcpy(pNode->word, word);	/* copy the word to the node */
    	pNode->next = NULL;			/* Initialize next and prev (none yet) */
    	pNode->prev = NULL;
    	/* If the list is NULL (empty), this is the first
    	   node we are adding to the list. */
    	if ((*words) == NULL)
    		(*words) = pNode;
    		/* Find the end of the list */
    		struct WordNode *temp = (*words);
    		while (temp->next)
    			temp = temp->next;
    		temp->next = pNode; /* Put new node at the end */
    		pNode->prev = temp;	/* point pNode at the previous */
    	return 0;
    void delete_word(WordNode **words, const char *word)
    	/* finding if any occurances of the word exist */
    	WordNode *temp = find_word(*words, word);
    	/* while occurances are found */
    		/* create temporary nodes*/
    		WordNode *prev = temp->prev;
    		WordNode *next = temp->next;
    		/* if node is the first there will be no previous node */
    		if(prev != NULL)
    			prev->next = next;	/* pointing previous node at new next node */
    			(*words) = next; /* if word occured in first node making 
    								words now point	to new first node*/
    		/* if word occured in last node there will be no next */
    		if(next != NULL)
    			next->prev = prev; /* pointing next node at new previous node */
    		/* getting rid of node with occurance of word*/
    		/* if there is no next node exit the function*/
    		if(next != NULL)
    			temp = find_word(*words, word);
    unsigned count_matching_words(WordNode *words, const char *word)
    	WordNode *temp = find_word(words, word);
    	unsigned count = 0;
    	/* while finding an occurance of the word */
            count++; /* increase count */
    		temp = find_word(temp->next, word); /* find next occurance starting from next node*/
    	return count;
    WordNode *find_word(WordNode *words, const char *word)
    	WordNode *temp = words;
    	/* while there are words left to check loop */
    		/* if word is one we're looking for return the pointer to the node */
    		if(strcmp(temp->word, word) == 0)
    			return temp;
    		/* otherwise go to the next word */
    		temp = temp->next;
    	temp = words;
    	/* if word not found return a NULL pointer */
    	return NULL;
    int replace_words(WordNode *words, const char *oldword, const char *newword)
    	int rVal = 0;
    	WordNode *temp = find_word(words, oldword);
    	/* while find_words finds occurances of oldword */
    		/* setting up temporary nodes */
    		WordNode *prev = temp->prev;
    		WordNode *next = temp->next;
    		/* setting the previous nodes next pointer to NULL so that we can
    			add a word after it with the add_word function */
    			prev->next = NULL;
    		rVal = add_word(&prev, newword);
    		/* if add_word was unable to allocate enough memory return in a fail state */
    		if(rVal != 0)
    			prev->next = temp;
    			return ERROR;
    		/* disconnecting temp from main list */
    		temp->next = NULL;
    		temp->prev = NULL;
    		/* deleting the old node */
    		delete_word(&temp, oldword);
    		/* connecting new nodes together */
    			prev->next->next = next;
    			next->prev = prev->next;
    		else	/* if prev will start the list */
    			prev->next = next;
    			next->prev = prev;
    			words = prev;
    		/* seeing if any more occurances of oldword exist */
    		temp = find_word(words, oldword);
    	} /* end while(temp) */
    	return 0;
    void free_words(WordNode *words)
    		delete_word(&words, words->word);
     int insert_word(WordNode **words, const char *word, CompFn comp)
       struct WordNode *pNode = (struct WordNode *) malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode));
       /* if error in malloc() */
       if( pNode == NULL )
         return ERROR;
       /* initilize pointers and allocate memory for word */
       pNode->next = pNode->prev = NULL;
       pNode->word = (char *)malloc(strlen(word) + 1);
       /* if malloc() failed return that there was an error */
       if(pNode->word == NULL)
         return ERROR;
       /* copy the word over to pNode */
       strcpy(pNode->word, word);
       /* if the list does not exist yet pNode will become the first member */
         *words = pNode;
         WordNode *temp = (*words), *prev;
         /* while we're not at the end of the list and we haven't found where
            pNode is supposed to go */
         while(temp && comp(temp->word, pNode->word) < 0)
           prev = temp;
           temp = temp->next;
         /* if pNode should be the new start of the list */
         if(temp == (*words))
           (*words) = pNode;
           prev->next  = pNode;
           pNode->prev = prev;
         pNode->next = temp;
         /* if pNode was not placed at the end of the list */
           temp->prev = pNode;
       return 0;
    int add_line(LineNode **lines, WordNode *words)
    	LineNode *pNode, *temp = *lines;
    	/* Allocating a new LineNode structure */
    	pNode = (struct LineNode *) malloc(sizeof(struct LineNode));
    		return ERROR;
    	/* initilizing the new LineNode structure */
    	pNode->words = words;
    	pNode->next = NULL;
    	/* if no LineNodes are present pNode becomes the first node */
    		(*lines) = pNode;
    		/* while we're not at the last LineNode */
    			temp = temp->next;
    		temp->next = pNode;
    	return 0;
    LineNode *find_line(LineNode *lines, const char *word)
    	LineNode *temp = lines;
    	/* while there's still lines to check */
    		/* if word found in given line return the line it was found in */
    		if(find_word(temp->words, word))
    			return temp;
    		temp = temp->next;
    	return NULL;
    int replace_words2(LineNode *lines, const char *oldword, const char *newword)
    	LineNode *temp = lines;
    		/* if replace_words returns an error return an error to the original
    		   caller */
    		if(replace_words(temp->words, oldword, newword) == ERROR)
    			return ERROR;
    		temp = temp->next;
    	return 0;
    unsigned count_matching_words2(LineNode *lines, const char *word)
    	unsigned count = 0;
    	LineNode *temp = lines;
    	/* while there's still more lines to check */
    		/* increase count with the ammount of new words found */
    		count += count_matching_words(temp->words, word);
    		temp = temp->next;
    	return count;
    void delete_word2(LineNode *lines, const char *word)
    	LineNode *temp = lines;
    		delete_word(&temp->words, word);
    		temp = temp->next;	
    void free_lines(LineNode *lines)
    		LineNode *temp = lines->next;
    		lines = temp;
    and my words.h
    #ifndef WORDS_H
    #define WORDS_H
    struct WordNode
      char *word;
      struct WordNode *next;
      struct WordNode *prev;
    struct LineNode
      struct WordNode *words;
      struct LineNode *next;
    typedef struct WordNode WordNode;
    typedef struct LineNode LineNode;
    typedef int (*CompFn)(const char *, const char *);
    void print_words(WordNode *list); 
    void print_lines(LineNode *list);
    void print_words_reverse(WordNode *list);
    /* Word related functions */
    int add_word(WordNode **words, const char *word);
    void delete_word(WordNode **words, const char *word);
    unsigned count_matching_words(WordNode *words, const char *word);
    WordNode *find_word(WordNode *words, const char *word);
    int replace_words(WordNode *words, const char *oldword, const char *newword);
    void free_words(WordNode *words);
    int insert_word(WordNode **words, const char *word, CompFn comp);
    /* Line related functions */
    int add_line(LineNode **lines, WordNode *words);
    void delete_word2(LineNode *lines, const char *word);
    unsigned count_matching_words2(LineNode *lines, const char *word);
    LineNode *find_line(LineNode *lines, const char *word);
    int replace_words2(LineNode *lines, const char *oldword, const char *newword);
    void free_lines(LineNode *lines);
    Sorry to post so much code but I've been working on this one problem with my code since yesterday morning and I'm sure I'm going to find more once I fix this one.

    Thanks again for any insight anyone can bring.


  5. #5
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Oct 2001
    Create a simple test scenario. Create a linked list from something simple, like an array of words. Put them all in. Print the list. Once you have that working, try something else, like inserting into the middle. Try freeing, try replacing. Don't do it all at once.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by quzah
    Create a simple test scenario. Create a linked list from something simple, like an array of words. Put them all in. Print the list. Once you have that working, try something else, like inserting into the middle. Try freeing, try replacing. Don't do it all at once.

    Thanks for the advice but I'm actually able to do all that. I can insert a word, add a word, delete a word, print words, all fine with no memory allocation/deallocation errors. The only problem I have is when I try and replace a word at the very start of a list since it has to do with updating the new head pointer and for whatever reason it's not being updated properly.

    As an example if I remove the "two" from the start of my string array and change it with anything else my first test runs perfectly, same with my second one and I'm assuming my third (it was working perfectly earlier but I've been messing with my code so much I haven't tried it lately).

    Currently I'm just trying to get my first test to work while replacing the first node because I figure everything else will fall in to place after that... or so I hope.

  7. #7
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Oct 2001
    Ah, well that's simple. You aren't passing a pointer-to-pointer for your replace_words function. You can't change what the first node points to, because the replacement is lost when the function ends, because you can't change that pointer.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by quzah
    Ah, well that's simple. You aren't passing a pointer-to-pointer for your replace_words function. You can't change what the first node points to, because the replacement is lost when the function ends, because you can't change that pointer.

    That makes sense... it also made a little light click on in my head.

    Currently when I'm replacing words I free() my string and then the node which is completely unnecessary I'm assuming. All I need to free is the string and then malloc another the size of what I need... doh.

    After dinner I'll get on that but I'm fairly certain it'll work.

    Thanks for your help!



    Yeah that did it. That original monstrocity is now cut down to this.

    int replace_words(WordNode *words, const char *oldword, const char *newword)
    	WordNode *temp = find_word(words, oldword);
    		temp->word = (char *)malloc(strlen(newword) + 1);
    			return ERROR;
    		strcpy(temp->word, newword);
    		temp = find_word(words, oldword);
    	} /* end while(temp) */
    	return 0;
    Thanks again, seems like it always ends up being that I try and make things harder than they really are.
    Last edited by Peter5897; 06-16-2006 at 09:33 PM.

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