ok, so i compiled this program- it has no errors.. but it keeps returning the first number i put in as a variable..
the assignment was to write a for loop that returns the product (number times a number) of two numbers.. so if i put in 5 and 3, it should return 15.. but instead it returns 5.

there was a catch to the assignment.. i could not use the multiplication operator.. and i had to use a for loop.. here is what i did.. it seems as if for some reason the for loop is just being ignored.. ugh.. :-/

#include <stdio.h>
int product(int x, int y){
        int i;
        int result;
        for (i=0; i<y; i++)
                x += x;
        result= x;
        return result;

int main (){
        int x, y;
        printf("Type a number");
        scanf("%d", &x);
        printf("Type another number");
        scanf("%d", &y);
        printf("%d", product(x,y));
        return 0;