I get a segfault not sure from what could someone help me debug it please?

int loadData(GJCType* menu, char* menuFile, char* submenuFile)
   /*pointer for malloc*/
   GJCType *newP;

   /*declaration of variables*/
   int CountNoLines = 0;
   char temp[LINE_LENGTH];
   /* variables for tokenizer for menu file*/
   char *catID;
   char *catType;
   char *catName;
   char *catDescription;
   /* declare file pointers to files*/
   FILE *f1;
   FILE *f2;
   /* opening the menu and submenu for reading*/
   f1 = fopen(menuFile, "r");
   f2 = fopen(submenuFile, "r");
   /* check to see if the file exists*/
   if(f1 ==NU

LL || f2 == NULL)
      /* check whether both files have existed or typed in correctly*/
      if(f1 == NULL && f2 == NULL)
         printf("Both files do not exist %s %s\n",menuFile,submenuFile);
      /* check for each file existance*/
      else if (f1 == NULL)
         printf("%s does not exist\n\n",menuFile);
      /* check for each file existance*/
      else if(f2 == NULL)
         printf("%s does not exist\n\n", submenuFile);
      printf("EXITING PROGRAM ERROR!\n\n");
      return ERRORCODE; /* cannot proceed*/
   /* counts how many fields there are in the file*/
   while(fgets(temp, LINE_LENGTH, f1)!=NULL)
       /*temp[strlen(temp)]= '\0';
       printf("%s", temp);*/
       if(!countToken(f1, temp, TOKEN_PRODUCT))
	  return ERRORCODE;
   printf("%d", CountNoLines);
   /* set f1 pointer to the start of the file for reading*/
   fseek(f1, 0, SEEK_SET);
   /* if CountNoLines is 0 do nothing*/
   if(CountNoLines == 0)
   /* if there is more than 0 lines tokenize fields
   check if there is duplication and check the string 
   length and if its too big its the wrong data format
   if(CountNoLines > 0)
       while(fgets(temp, LINE_LENGTH, f1) !=NULL)
           /* stores the catID but also checks if there
	   is a duplicate*/
           catID = strtok(temp, "|");
	   /*checks for a duplication of the id field*/
	   if(!checkDuplicationID(menu, catID))
	      return ERRORCODE;
           /* gets the second field and tokenizez it*/
	   catType = strtok(NULL, "|");
	   catName = strtok(NULL, "|");
	   catDescription = strtok(NULL, "\0");
	   /* checks the string length of the field*/
	   if((strlen(catID) >ID_LEN) ||
	      (strlen(catType) >MAX_NAME_LEN)  ||
	      (strlen(catDescription) >MAX_DESC_LEN))
	      printf("Wrong data format\n\n");
	      return ERRORCODE;
	   /* malloc the pointers*/
	   newP = malloc(sizeof (GJCType));
	   newP->headCategory = malloc(sizeof(CategoryType));
	   newP->headCategory->headItem = malloc(sizeof(ItemType));
	   newP->headCategory->nextCategory = malloc(sizeof(CategoryType));
	   newP->headCategory->headItem->nextItem =malloc(sizeof(ItemType));
	   /* check if it cannot allocate memory*/
	   if(newP == NULL)
	      printf("Memory could not be allocated\n\n");
	      return ERRORCODE;
	   /*copy variables into structure*/
	   strcpy(newP->headCategory->categoryID, catID);
	   newP->headCategory->drinkType = *catType;
	   /*printf("%c", newP->headCategory->drinkType);*/
	  /* strcpy(newP->headCategory->drinkType, catType);*/
	   strcpy(newP->headCategory->categoryName, catName);
	   strcpy(newP->headCategory->categoryDescription, catDescription);
	   newP->headCategory->nextCategory = NULL;
   /* close both files after reading*/
   if(fclose(f1)!=0 || fclose(f2)!=0)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error in closing files\n");

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;