I need to know how many times the following loop was run and have no clue: ( I need to know how many "v"s I have calculated)

for (i = 0; i <= D; ++i) //Counting up by one for duration/burnrate values
float m, v = vi, h = 500;  //Find t for h = 0.0, set as td
	// Must initialize v to the initial velocity ( like v = 0)

m = masschange(duration[i], burnrate[i], total);

for (j = 0; j <= duration[i]; j = j + tstep)	// j keeps track of the amount of time each duration has run for

 a = ((m*G) - (burnrate[i]*ve))/m;
v = v - (a*tstep);	// Like ++v, but with something else +'ing
printf("%.3f\n", v);
fprintf(outFile, "%.3f\n", v);	// Calculates the nth velocity

h = h - (v*tstep);
printf("\t%.3f\n", h); //Check to see if the height is going to 0

if (h <= 0) 		// Stops when h = 0.
   return 1;