please can someone help me with this.

I want to write a function sequence that returns 1 when a set of 5 cards appear in sequence ; 0 if not.

I dont understand very well what to do here.

the sequence is 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,jack,queen,king, with ace considered as either before 2 or after king as needed

For example the set of cards( given as follow):

two of diamonds
four of clubs
six of hearts
three of hearts
five of spades

must have sequence =1;

but for the set of cards:

two of spades
king of spades
ace of clubs
three of diamonds
five of hearts

must have sequence =0

I give this second example since I do not understand why the sequence is 0 here.

Can someone explain me what sequence means and give me some suggestions to write the function called sequence??
Please do not use structure

Thank you for your time.