This code splits 'source' into tokens of nick, ident and host.
It works and compiles without errors (using gcc -W -Wall).

However, if i change the *source to "[email protected]" it segfaults (buffer overflow?), but the compiler still compiles it without any errors..

Please take in consideration when you're replying that I'm very new to C and still learning the basics.

Any takers?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    char 	*source = "[email protected]";

	char 	*host;
	char 	*nick; 
	char 	*ident;
	int 	i = 0;
	host = source;

  	/* nick */
 	while (host[i] != '!') 	{
		nick[i] = host[i];
	int nicklen = (size_t) strlen(nick);
	ident[nicklen] = '\0'; // null terminate

	host += nicklen +1; // removes the nick + ! from host

	/* ident */
 	i = 0;
	while (host[i] != '@') 	{
		ident[i] = host[i];
	int identlen = (size_t) strlen(ident);
	ident[identlen] = '\0'; // null terminate

	host += (size_t) identlen +1; // removes the ident + @ from host

	/* ..and the remains of *host is the hostname */	

	printf(" nick: %s\n", nick);
	printf("ident: %s\n", ident);
	printf(" host: %s\n", host);
    return 0;