Hi all,

I'm a beginner at C and I'm currently trying to input a string and 10 integers from a file, and then be able to sort them by the string in ascending order.

The file looks like this (first string is a place, the next 10 integers are distances)(random numbers I picked by the way :P)

London 0 23 12 89 456 123 46 732 345 123
Bath 23 0 46 234 123 46 89 234 567 90

The distances are relative to each other....

ie.. London to Bath would be 23 km, which can be read from column 2 on line 1 or first column on line 2

Now, I can easily input the files and print them using the below code (part of a function) and then using 2 for loops to print them out.

	FILE *openFile;
	char line[15];
	char filename[16];
	char rtn;

	int i, j;

	printf("Please enter the filename of the input file:");
	sscanf(line,"%s%c\n", filename, &rtn);
	openFile = fopen(filename, "r");
	if (openFile == NULL)
		puts("Error Opening File");

	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		fscanf(openFile, "%s", &theArray2[i]);
		for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
			fscanf(openFile, "%d", &theArray[i][j]);
Furthermore, I can easily sort the strings in ascending order by the following code:

int comp(const void *str1, const void *str2)
	return strcmp(str1, str2);

void sortArray(char theArray2[10][11])
	qsort(theArray2, 10, sizeof(theArray2[0]), comp); 
BUT... I can't get the integers as described at the beginning of this thread to follow with the strings in order. I've tried using structs (like the one below) using fread in a for loop but i can't get that to work either!

typedef struct{
	char places[10];
	int distances[10];

I've tried a load of things... Just wondering what I can do to solve this problem!!

Hope you can help,
