Thread: Rectangular Approximation Program Help

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Rectangular Approximation Program Help

    My program takes in a polynomial of any degree, and outputs it back the user. I want to be able to then pass this polynomial to a subfunction where it will be evaluated using the rectangular rule process. Currently i'm writing the function and I have run into a few problems, mainly having the correct coefficient be multiplied by the polynomial. I highlighted the parts of my program that deal with the rectangular rule.

    Now for the rectangular rule, for instance if I had a function that was just x^2 to be integrated on the bounds of [0,1] with 2 subintervals, the change in x, or delta x, would be (1-0)/2, or right bound minus left bound divided by subintervals. So that means the total approximate area would be f(1/2)*deltax + f(1)*deltax, which can be simplified to [f(1/2) + f(1)] * deltax

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int menu(void);
    void simpsonsrule(void);
    double rectanglerule(char *, double, double, double, int);
    	int j=1;  //Loop for the menu
    	int technique; //Integration technique 
    	int order; //Order for the polynomial
    	int totterms; //Total number of terms in the equation
    	double a; //left endpoint
    	double b; //right endpoint
    	double boundtotal; //endpoint math
    	double subint; //subintervals
    	int loopvar; //for loop variable
    	double *ptr;
    	int count;
    	double rectarea; //Total area for the rectangle rule
    	double simparea; //Total area for the simpson rule
    		puts("Welcome to the integration program.");
    		puts("You can compute an integral using either Simpson's or the Rectangular rule.");
    		puts("\nEnter the order of the polynomial you wish to integrate.");
    		totterms= order+1;
    		for(count=totterms-1;count >=0; count--)
    			if(count != 0)
    				printf("\nEnter the coefficient for the %d power: ", count);
    				scanf("%lf", &ptr[count]);
    				printf("\nEnter the constant: ");
    				scanf("%lf", &ptr[count]);
    		puts("\nEnter the left endpoint of the integral.");
    		puts("\nEnter the right endpoint of the integral.");
    		puts("\nEnter the number of sub-intervals you want to use.");
    		boundtotal= (b-a)/subint;
    		printf("\nThe polynomial you entered was.\n");
    		for(loopvar=totterms-1;loopvar >=0;loopvar--)
    			if(loopvar != 0)
    				printf("%lf^%d + ",ptr[loopvar],loopvar);
    		printf("\nIt is going to be integrated from %lf to %lf.",a,b);
    		printf("\nWith %lf subintervals.",subint);
    		puts("\nTo integrate using Simpson's Rule enter 1.");
    		puts("To integrate using the Rectangular Rule enter 2.");
    		puts("To integrate using both techniques enter 3.");
    		if(technique == 1)
    		else if(technique == 2)
    			printf("The total area under the curve is %lf.", rectarea);
    		else if(technique == 3)
    			puts("You did not enter a valid menu option, goodbye.");
    int menu(void)
    	int j;
    	puts("To restart the program enter 1.");
    	puts("To quit the program enter 0.");
    	return j;
    void simpsonsrule(void)
    double rectanglerule(char *ptr, double a, double b, double subint, int order)
    	double approxarea=0;  //Approximated total area
    	int i;
    	double deltax = (b-a)/subint;  //Change in x throughout the entire x-axis
    	double deltaxadd = (b-a)/subint; //Addition of the intervals to plug into functions
    		//approxarea+=(function expression);
    I'm not sure if I need to pass the order through this function as well and decrease it as the for loops continues or not.

    So far I have come up with...

    double rectanglerule(char *ptr, double a, double b, double subint, int order)
    	double approxarea=0;  //Approximated total area
    	int i;
    	double deltax = (b-a)/subint;  //Change in x throughout the entire x-axis
    	double deltaxadd = (b-a)/subint; //Addition of the intervals to plug into functions
    	double funcval=0; 
    	printf("Order of pol is %d", order);
    		for(order=order; order >= 0; order--)  //order-1 because the constant can be added at the end
    			if(order !=0)
    				funcval+=(pow(&ptr[order], order));
    This is giving me some errors though, saying chars cant be converted to doubles...
    Last edited by Noah; 03-14-2006 at 06:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Just Lurking Dave_Sinkula's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    funcval+=(pow(&ptr[order], order));
    You're feeding a pointer to a char as the first parameter to pow when it expects a double. Take another look at your function prototype for starters.
    7. It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.
    40. There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.*

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_Sinkula
    funcval+=(pow(&ptr[order], order));
    You're feeding a pointer to a char as the first parameter to pow when it expects a double. Take another look at your function prototype for starters.
    Is there anyway I can make it so pow will accept a char pointer?
    If you can't tell I am a beginner at C
    Last edited by Noah; 03-15-2006 at 09:43 AM.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Mar 2005
    Well you could use atof to convert a char* to a double.
    Or better yet, change your prototype/definition, as suggested, to accept a pointer to a double instead of a pointer to a char as the first parameter.
    You are passing in a double pointer from main.

    Also, don't use & when trying to use the value ptr points to

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Mar 2006
    Ok now I have working code (for the most part)

    double rectanglerule(double *ptr, double a, double b, double subint, int order)
    	double approxarea=0;  //Approximated total area
    	double i;
    	double deltax = (b-a)/subint;  //Change in x throughout the entire x-axis
    	double deltaxadd = (b-a)/subint; //Addition of the intervals to plug into functions
    	double funcval=0; 
    		for(order=order; order >= 0; order--)  //order-1 because the constant can be added at the end
    			if(order !=0)
    				funcval+=(pow(ptr[order], order));
    I'm trying to think of a way to have the deltaxadd variable be plugged into the function so I can obtain that value... should I make an array that equals the number of subintervals and have them incremented by deltaxadd each time?

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