I have recently switched to the DVORAK keyboard layout, and find it quite pleasing. I have derided to stick with it. This is where the programming comes in.

I use the computers allot at school, and ofcorse like every other place on the planet, use QWERTY keyboards. I am still pretty new to C, but decided to I want to tackle a key converter to convert QWERTY keystrokes to DVORAK keystrokes, thus letting me use DVORAK at school. I however am a little stumped.

How would I go about getting keystrokes from the input buffer for the entire system, as they are hit, and then how would I place them back it the input buffer for whichever application that has focus to grab, without disturbind the processs of getting the next key?

This is obviously the most important part of the program, as without it, it dosn't do what I want it too.

Got any ideas?