Thread: C Book Recommendations

  1. #151
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    Jan 2011
    I jsut started playing around with C. Im using a book called "C ALL INE ONE REFERENCE FOR DUMMES" by Dan Gookin

    Very good book with ALOT OF examples and excercises. I recommend it. Quite a think book but could have been halved if the author left out all the weird jokes and sarcasm.....
    Last edited by bos1234; 01-25-2011 at 09:24 AM.

  2. #152
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    Turbo C
    Programming For PC and C++
    By Robert Layford

  3. #153
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    C for Dummies!

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by snayyer View Post
    Turbo C
    Programming For PC and C++
    By Robert Layford
    ACK ... Turbo C again...

    Will that compiler PLEASE just roll over and die!

  5. #155
    Registered User Jeff Mitchell's Avatar
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    Programming in C (3rd edition), by Stephen Kochan

    This book goes into good detail, in my opinion. Kochan does have an affection for maths, as well as prime and fibonacci numbers, which is somewhat annoying. Regardless, Kochan's book does teach concepts to the reader. The exercises at the end of each chapter are a good self-evaluation tool. Fortunately, this book does not contain screenshots! I don't know why, but I get sick of books that have pointless screenshots of different buttons in Windows XP. It's especially annoying if the screenshots revolve around a particular IDE.

    I bought Programming in C from Borders, in Auckland (New Zealand). It was published in '05, and it's still going strong!

  6. #156
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    Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++, ISBN-10: 0521520436
    Great book for those who want to have a deeper insight on memory programming.

  7. #157
    Registered User technoexam's Avatar
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    The book of C programming of Poonam phonde of Vision publications, pune is also nice one.. I recommend to try it out..

  8. #158
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    but now day day this 11 edition come on market. is it batter then 5th edition

  9. #159
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    I followed a few books to learn as far as basics are concerned.But not all aspects are fulfilled.They are "LET US C" by YPK,"DATASTRUCTURE WITH C" by Seymoure Lipschutz and"OBJECT ORIENTED C++" by BALAGURUSWAMY.But in case of DS I found Lipschutz more efficient for beginners than Tanenbum's.
    "1st allow yourself to make the basics clear and then step ahead to make a glorious victory over the subject and unleash your power to manipulate it !"
    Regards MISTU4U

  10. #160
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    C Programming

    This link contains has detailed notes from a course a professor taught, it is practically a book on c programming. There are also questions, tutorials, and assignments all with answers. It is nicely structured and I rarely found myself needing a book for reference while following the notes.

    It is a free solution, and is easier to navigate compared to a pdf.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by waaiting View Post
    C Programming

    This link contains has detailed notes from a course a professor taught, it is practically a book on c programming. There are also questions, tutorials, and assignments all with answers. It is nicely structured and I rarely found myself needing a book for reference while following the notes.

    It is a free solution, and is easier to navigate compared to a pdf.
    Nice online resources! Save my day ! =)

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