I am mid way through a program that will calculate the gross pay for a group of employees (output in table format). The function "Get_input" prompts the user to enter the hours worked per the id_number. However, I cannot get the values entered to return back to the main function (and structure?). Not really sure what I missing. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>
/* Define Constants */
#define NUM_EMPL 5
#define OVERTIME_RATE 1.5f
#define STD_HOURS 40f
  long  id_number;
  float wage;
  float hours;
  float overtime;
  float gross;
/* define prototypes here for each function except main */
    void Get_input (struct employee employeeData [], float hours []);
    void Output_results_screen (struct employee []);
 int main()
  /* Variable Declaration and initialization */
        struct employee employeeData[NUM_EMPL] = {
        {98401, 10.60},
        {526488, 9.75},
        {765349, 10.50},
        {34645, 12.25},
        {127615, 8.35}
        }, hours[NUM_EMPL], overtime, gross;
  /* Function call to output results to the screen in table format. */
      Get_input (employeeData, hours);
      Output_results_screen (employeeData);
      return 0;
} /* main */

/*                         Function: Get_input                   */
void Get_input (struct employee employeeData[], float hours[])
/*Local Variable Declaration*/
int i; /* Variable for Loop Index*/
/*Get Employees Hours and Store them in an array*/
for (i = 0; i < NUM_EMPL; i++)
printf ("Enter the number of hours worked by Employee # %06li:", employeeData[i].id_number);
scanf ("%f", &hours[i]);
}  /* Get_input */

/*              Function: Output_results_screen             */
void Output_results_screen (struct employee employeeData[])
        int i;    /* loop index */

              printf("Clock   Wage    Hours    OT    Gross \n");
        /* printf information about each employee */
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_EMPL ; ++i)
              printf("%06li  %5.2f   %4.1f   %4.1f   %6.2f\n",
                        employeeData[i].id_number, employeeData[i].wage,   employeeData[i].hours, employeeData[i].overtime, employeeData[i].gross);
        } /* for */
} /* Output_results_screen */