Thread: C Book Recommendations

  1. #91
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  2. #92
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    I'm nearly finished C For Dummies and it's been a very good read. It explains things very well, there's a bit of humour and the pace is very easygoing. Very good book for beginners with no experience like me.

  3. #93
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    Would The Complete Reference of C be a good book for others who don't know how to program and never programmed before? I seen that book was said in here. I don't know if it's a good book for beginners.

  4. #94
    Technical Lead QuantumPete's Avatar
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    I've never read it, but with a title that includes "Reference", it's probably not an ideal beginners book.
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  5. #95
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    Amazingly, no one has mentioned Numerical Recipes in C, 3rd edition (2007) Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, and Flannery. This ties in to an earlier post where someone was asking for references on more specifics aspects of C.

    This is a tome, 1150 pages or so, that's devoted to scientific computing. Essentially, if you have a need to beat some numbers with a computer, this book will give not only methods to do it, but the most efficient methods and a discussion of their complexity, along with reference code that is easily used in order for your specific application.

    This is something worth looking at if you're thinking of doing solutions, to name a few examples, of linear algebraix equations (think matrix inversion, Cholesky decomps, etc.), interpolation and extrapolation, fast fourier transforms, partial diff eq's, integration, root finding, hypergeometric functions (whatever THAT is), discussions of sorting, selections, so forth and so on. I've found this book to be invaluable in doing my work.

    Again, this is a very specific reference, so don't look at getting this if you're trying to just learn C. I'm just throwing this out there in case some people have some need or interest in this kind of activity, and haven't already heard of this book.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smattacus View Post
    Amazingly, no one has mentioned Numerical Recipes in C, 3rd edition (2007) Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, and Flannery. This ties in to an earlier post where someone was asking for references on more specifics aspects of C.
    I noobed this pretty hard, the full name of the book is in fact NUMERICAL RECIPES, not Numerical Recipes in C. The author and edition info are correct.

  7. #97
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    can u ppl share me an idea abt how is Object Oriented Programing by Robert Lafore for a newbie???

  8. #98
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    Let Us C by Yashwant Kanetkar which is suggested here is a fantastic book.i have an assignment about reading a file of structures,copying them in a table , creating a new sorted one from it , searching in both files and showing them.It is really really helpful for me so far (managing strings,arrays of structures,files of records,pointers) and has accurate examples of codes and invaluable explanation on them.thanks for the recommendation guys.

  9. #99
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    I recommend the book by Deitel and Deitel: "C How to Program"
    Good companion while practicing your coding

  10. #100
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    Lightbulb File Handling in C


    If you want a comprehensive and good example of file handling which involves all the things you have mentioned. Moreover, you will get some extras also. Just let me know if you want it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Griever View Post
    Let Us C by Yashwant Kanetkar which is suggested here is a fantastic book.i have an assignment about reading a file of structures,copying them in a table , creating a new sorted one from it , searching in both files and showing them.It is really really helpful for me so far (managing strings,arrays of structures,files of records,pointers) and has accurate examples of codes and invaluable explanation on them.thanks for the recommendation guys.

  11. #101
    In my head happyclown's Avatar
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    Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

    I recommend "Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days", by Bradley L. Jones and Peter Aitken.

    However, there are certain caveats.


    1. Whilst topics are broken down into 21 days(chapters), you can't learn C in 21 days. Some days(particularly towards the beginning), the topic is light, and you can complete more than 1 day. But towards the middle and end, the topic becomes complex, and it may take you several days to complete a single day(chapter) in the book. If you complete all the exercies at the end of each chapter, add more to the time it takes to finish the chapter.

    2. A full 1/3 of the book actually introduces the reader to Java, C++ and C#. If your sole purpose is to learn C, then you're paying for stuff you won't use.

    3. The section on linked lists is sparse and poorly written.


    1. What makes this book good is that the topics are structured really well for learning by someone new to C. The topics are explained well, with many many full programs as examples, and an explanation of those programs.

    2. The book comes with the Dev-C++ compiler on CD, and every program used in the book, so you can just compile them without having to type them out. However, it's a good idea to type out each program by hand to learn.


    The structure and style of this book was very well thought out, which makes it a great introduction to C.

  12. #102
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    IIT M.Tech. Madhusudan Mothe's book explains C concepts in easy words. Beginner can easily become expert after studying it. It is just relased on 1st Jan 2009. One can see sample chapter at

    or buy a copy from

  13. #103
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    I'm working my way through C Programming Language (Prentice Hall Software) and would have called it a great book if my math knowledge wasn't so rusted.
    Really would suggest it if you are completely new to C, and your maths aint that bad.

  14. #104
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    bought Let Us C ,8th Edition by Yashawantha Kanetkar.working with gcc(linux).Let Us C Solutions 8th edition also available.

  15. #105
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    Let us c-yaswant kanetakar is good book for teach us like a teacher and having proper output.

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