Thread: C Book Recommendations

  1. #76
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    I find it funny out of all the posts I've read on this thread, none of the experts on the forum have posted any books they've used.

    It's probably because they never needed any! They figured it all out on their own!

    Then again, I probably should be laughing at myself because I'm a prone book user. The bad thing about using books nowadays is they don't really teach you to think. Especially all these beginning books.

    And plus the best book I've read on C is the Internet : )

  2. #77
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    Not true at all. I have (and use) several books - some of which are out of print, or several editions older than the current edition, but that's what happens when you have been working professionally for many years.

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  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by aufather View Post
    C How to Program by Deitel and Deitel

    The books really nice for beginners to start out with a modern compiler like VC++ and starts from the basics. It also has special boxes for common errors performance tips portability tips etc.

    Also they teach you a method to implement a problem. Then after they introduce us to a new topic(say arrays) the old problem is revisited and implemented using the new concept(arrays) and shows us how arrays has made the implementation more elegant.
    This really helps in developing a coding style for beginners.

    The only problem i found is that the book is its pretty thick.
    hello, could you give me a link to download 'how to program by deitel and deitel'..

  4. #79
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    Originally Posted by aufather
    C How to Program by Deitel and Deitel

    The books really nice for beginners to start out with a modern compiler like VC++ and starts from the basics. It also has special boxes for common errors performance tips portability tips etc.

    Also they teach you a method to implement a problem. Then after they introduce us to a new topic(say arrays) the old problem is revisited and implemented using the new concept(arrays) and shows us how arrays has made the implementation more elegant.
    This really helps in developing a coding style for beginners.

    The only problem i found is that the book is its pretty thick.
    I bought the book (I say too all learning or just started out (like me) great up todate book)). Only thing Exercises have no Answers sheets.
    Last edited by nurofen; 03-29-2008 at 04:01 PM.

  5. #80
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    algorithms and data structures book

    I'd knidly ask you if you can suggest me a good book about algorithms and data structures in C. I'm looking for a fast reading followed by an intensive exercise session. IF you know something available online or a book which can be purchased from amazon (or downloaded somewhere! ), it'd be much better (i need it asap and only amazon can deliver to italy in few days! )

    thanks really a lot! Bye

  6. #81
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    If you're "scientifically inclined" you could also check out the introductionary programming book at

    Disclaimer: I wrote it.

  7. #82
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  8. #83
    Registered User sureshhewa's Avatar
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    Deital & Deital book is very good for beginners. Balaguruswami's book also a nice one for beginners

  9. #84
    Registered User LowWaterMark's Avatar
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    I heartily recommend "Absolute Beginner's Guide to C (2nd Edition)" by Greg Perry.

    Take this with a grain of salt. I am an absolute beginner. I found the text to be well thought out, well written and at under 400 pages, not so dense as to be overwhelming. It is an introductory tutorial, not a tome on the C programming language.

    FWIW, I bought it, read it, finished it, and liked it.

  10. #85
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    Not sure if this has been posted, but TCP/IP Sockets in C by Michael Donahoo and Kenneth Calvert is a brilliant book for sockets programming. Good even if you don't have much previous programming knowledge.

  11. #86
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    hello everybody,

    can i konw in which site i can download books related to c programming for free. if there are any suggesting sites then let me know please...



  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by navdeep225 View Post
    hello everybody,

    can i konw in which site i can download books related to c programming for free. if there are any suggesting sites then let me know please...


    The first link in google when searching for "Free C Books" is:
    The page covers both C and C++, and there is more C++ than C on the page, but there are some C content there.

    I personally prefer to have "real" books, but that's personal opinion (and "real" books are rarely entirely free).

    Compilers can produce warnings - make the compiler programmers happy: Use them!
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  13. #88
    Dr Dipshi++ mike_g's Avatar
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    The first link in google when searching for "Free C Books" is:
    I went there; downloaded a book; it came in pdfs that must have been 1 or 2 pages big; took ages; tried to read a page; it was passsword protected; coulent find password; realised that even if i did find it I would have to spend hours entering passwords; got bored; deleted it

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike_g View Post
    I went there; downloaded a book; it came in pdfs that must have been 1 or 2 pages big; took ages; tried to read a page; it was passsword protected; coulent find password; realised that even if i did find it I would have to spend hours entering passwords; got bored; deleted it
    Seeing as the page links to other pages, quality of the content may vary greatly - and I never even tried to use any of those "books", so I can't say. I'm just doing the google that the OP should have done - it wasn't the only hit either.

    Compilers can produce warnings - make the compiler programmers happy: Use them!
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  15. #90
    Dr Dipshi++ mike_g's Avatar
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    Yeah its no biggie. Theres loads of free books around on the net, or at least loads of free linux books which is what I'm mostly reading atm.

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