Thread: C Book Recommendations

  1. #46
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  2. #47
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    Prata's C Primer Plus 5/ed
    excellent book. i have many books and this is the best.

  3. #48
    Its hard... But im here swgh's Avatar
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    By woodhouse publishers. Ok, so it was written in 1994 and is rather dated nowdays but its one of the best C books I ever read. Has tons of example programs and goes from a line of text to file reading, pointers, structs and advanced structures. Might be a little hard to get hold of now, but I belive amazon have it still. I used it in college, after reading this book I began ro learn C++ and had the background of C to make the learning experience quicker and much more enjoyable. Oh, and the exercises are quite challenging too
    Double Helix STL

  4. #49
    geek Whiteghost's Avatar
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    The book call A Reference C manual is a good book for the C programmer.
    Fedora 9 gcc 4.3

  5. #50
    Brak BoneXXX's Avatar
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    I think C Program Design for Engineers by Jeri R. Hanly , Elliot B. Koffman is very good C book for beginners. Thats why I ordered Problem Solving and Program Design in C by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman. Hopefully I will get it next week.

  6. #51
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    i too recommend C Primer Plus by Stephen Prata. though i haven't mastered it, but i bought it long ago and still believe that it's one of the best C Books because it provides every thing in detail and at last some tough exercises to gauge your understading. I am following it to learn C.

  7. #52
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    I was looking at the revies of A C Reference Manual on amazon an someone replied

    Listen Grasshopper, to master the ways of C you need these three books:

    The C Programming Language
    C: A reference Manual
    Data Structures: An Advanced Approach using C.

    And no others. That is the beauty of C. It is small and minimal. Than learn Scheme. You will never need anything else.

  8. #53
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    I forgot:

    Essential C - Nick Parlante

  9. #54
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    KnR is the best one

  10. #55
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    good book

    programming in C using Turbo C++ by waites group is excellent for beginners. i enjoyed that book.

  11. #56
    life is a nightmare
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    The C Book
    good for the experienced c programmers

  12. #57
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    i would recommend Sam's teach yourself c in 21 days, i learned using that book and it was awesome however now i dont know if iam intermedite or an expert...

  13. #58
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rajatphull View Post
    KnR is the best one
    I dunno. Learning from K&R is kind of like learning how to tie knots by reading a Boy Scout manual from 1950. It contains the correct information, but the style is antiquated and it doesn't account for all the new developments since the time of publication.

    I'm not one to put down the K&R book, though. It's definitely something you should own, but get a few other books too. It's been so long since I was in the learning phase that I have no idea what's good any more.

  14. #59
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    is this a good book "Programming in C: a complete introduction to the C programming language" Stephen G. Kochan 3rd edition

  15. #60
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    I'm not sure of that book, but I can really recommend "Beginning C" by Ivor Horton.

    Has many practical examples of how to approach a new programming problem, as well as all the many step by step instructions as it leads a beginner toward a good basic (more than basic, really), understanding of the C language.

    The K&R "The C Programming Language" is an excellent book, but you REALLY have to be a geek to tackle it as a beginning programmer. If you don't know PI to 12 decimal places just because it's interesting, this is not the book for you, as a student starting out in programming.

    Horton's the way to go, imo.

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