Hi im trying to make a function that returns a function pointer. ´
It would work like this, when the first function is called from my main loop, the next function it calls will be the second function.

It will remind a little bit about a state pattern, with the states changing inside the functions, and the main loop not knowing what state it is.

It looks like this:
typedef void * (*fptr)(char *, char *, signed char );  

void *InitCalibration(char * upperLcdTxt, char *lowerLcdTxt, signed char  Button);
void *Step2Calibration(char * upperLcdTxt, char *lowerLcdTxt, signed char  Button);

void *Step2Calibration(char * upperLcdTxt, char *lowerLcdTxt, signed char  Button)
   fptr fp = InitCalibration;     
   char* temp = "Calibrationsmode";
   char* temp2 = "Press CAL 90 KG" ;              
   strcpy(upperLcdTxt, temp);
   strcpy(lowerLcdTxt, temp2);
   return &fp;


void *InitCalibration(char * upperLcdTxt, char *lowerLcdTxt, signed char  Button)
   fptr fp = Step2Calibration;                               
   char* temp = "Calibrationsmode";
   char* temp2 = "Press CAL 0 KG" ;              
   strcpy(upperLcdTxt, temp);
   strcpy(lowerLcdTxt, temp2);
   return &fp;
Then i would attempt to cast the return value to the right function pointer from my main.

main looks like this:

  fptr fp = &InitCalibration;
  while (1)
    keyBoardVal = keyboard();
    fp = (fptr) fp(convert, convert2, keyBoardVal);
so every time fp function pointer calls a function its a different one, but it doesnt work, what could be wrong.

The adress changing in the main loop doesnt work, fp points nowhere, and i might have misunderstood all this function pointer stuff, so please help me correct my errors