*sigh* sorry guys but im still getting a program crash... it worked for a while then stop..
(unkown reason i was changing something to do with the maths no the string)

void *getInput(char *question, char *retVal)
	if(fgets(retVal,BUFSIZ,stdin) != NULL)
		char  *newline = strchr(retVal,'\n');
		if(newline != NULL)
			*newline = '\0';
	return retVal;

char *input, *input2;
	getInput("Please enter time (as whole int 24h i.e 1301) :", input);
	getInput("\nPlease enter time to add same format as above :",input2);
If i quote out those 2 lines (which are the first 2 in main) the proggy works.?