Sooooo... I have a programming 'grade opinion' to ask.

I hate recursion. I don't get it, don't like it, and hate it. If I have to do it, I'll do it.

If say.. I have a pretty good grade in my programming class right now - 94% - and I have this stupid recursion project to do (which I don't get) and I can't get it to DO ANYTHING... so basically, if I don't do it, my grade will drop down to a 81%.

Would you or wouldn't you take this risk of just turning in crap and getting the 0, or actually desperately (and I mean desperate like a person searching for water in a desert) trying to figure out a project (which I don't get)

Btw.. I still have 1 project & final left and I really want a 'B' in the class.

Let me know your opinions!