Hi guys,

im trying to write a program that will sort a file. But that you can all give the option of using a delimeter and colum to sort by. (by typing /c in command prompt)

eg if the file had the line
you would enter | as the delimeter and if you wanted to sort the colum mark was in you would enter in 1 as the colum to sort by.
Only problem is it crashes and doesnt sort. It still work with out the /c option.

I had it working fine and i documented the functions i changed.

This isnt homework or anything im just trying to learn c in my sparetime at work =). And improvments you think i need to my program ill be glad to hear them

Heres the code (its pretty long sorry)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

This program shall SORT using a binary tree.

©2005 Mark Crick

typedef struct SBinaryTree
    char *SBinaryTreeData;
    struct SBinaryTree *SBinaryTreeLeft;
    struct SBinaryTree *SBinaryTreeRight;
} nBinaryTreeNode;

char dilimeter;
int columNumber;
char byColum = 'f';

nBinaryTreeNode *CreateBTNode (char *SBinaryTreeData, int dataSize)// Create tree
	nBinaryTreeNode *nTempNode =  malloc(sizeof (nBinaryTreeNode));
    nTempNode->SBinaryTreeData = (char *)calloc (dataSize, sizeof (char));

    strncpy (nTempNode->SBinaryTreeData, SBinaryTreeData,dataSize);
    nTempNode->SBinaryTreeLeft = NULL;
    nTempNode->SBinaryTreeRight = NULL;

    return nTempNode;
void splitStringToDilimeter(char string[],char retVal[BUFSIZ], int retValSize)
	int i;  // I THINK THE PROBLEM IS WITH THIS FUNCTION OR THE ONE BELOW.*************************************
	int columCount = 0; //Colum program is looking at
	int lastDelIndex = 0;//Position of Last delimeter
	int strSize; //Size of string

	strSize = strlen(string); // get size of string
	printf("stringsize :%i\n ",strSize);

	for(i = 0; i < strSize;i++) //Loop through whole of provided string.
		if(string[i] == dilimeter) //If char in string is = to the specified dilimeter. '|' in example
			columCount++; 					//Add one to colum count to specify that program is in a new colum
			if(columCount == columNumber)	//If we are now in the colum user specified to sort in
				int x;
				int i2 = lastDelIndex;

				for(x = 0; x < retValSize && i2 < retValSize && i2 < i;x++,i2++)
					retVal[x] = string[i2];  //copy array section from the last dilimeter postion to current postion
				}								// Which should be another dilimeter
				if(x < retValSize)
				retVal[x] = '\0';				//Add /0 to end of new string.
				lastDelIndex = i;				//If this isnt the colum specified by the user record index and last
int sortTree(char *string1, char* string2) //**********This could be where the problem is
	 char *tempString; //String for splitStringToDilimeter to return a result too
	 char *tempString2;//String for splitStringToDilimeter to return a result too
	 int retVal; // return value for this method

	 retVal = strcmp(tempString,tempString2);
	 printf("tempString  : %s\ntempString2 : %s\nretVal %i\n",tempString,tempString2,retVal);
	 return retVal;

nBinaryTreeNode *AddBTNode (char *line, nBinaryTreeNode *BTreeRootIn ) //CHANGED THE FUNCTION TOO.
    if (BTreeRootIn == NULL)
        return CreateBTNode (line,BUFSIZ);
    if(byColum == 't')							// If /c flag has been used  use sortTree rather then strcmp
   		 if (sortTree (line, BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeData) < 0)
       		BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeLeft = AddBTNode (line, BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeLeft);
        	BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeRight = AddBTNode (line, BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeRight);
		 if (strcmp (line, BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeData) < 0)
		     BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeLeft = AddBTNode (line, BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeLeft);
        	 BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeRight = AddBTNode (line, BTreeRootIn->SBinaryTreeRight);
    return BTreeRootIn;

void WriteFileFromTree(nBinaryTreeNode *BTRootOut , FILE *filePtr)// Recursive method writes file according to tree struct
  	if (BTRootOut->SBinaryTreeLeft != NULL)
		WriteFileFromTree (BTRootOut->SBinaryTreeLeft,filePtr);

	fprintf (filePtr, "%s", BTRootOut->SBinaryTreeData);

	if (BTRootOut->SBinaryTreeRight != NULL)
        WriteFileFromTree (BTRootOut->SBinaryTreeRight,filePtr);
void OpenWriteFileFromTree(char *fileName,nBinaryTreeNode *BTRootOut)//Opens file to write to then calls method to write tree to file
	FILE *filePtr;

	if((filePtr = fopen(fileName,"w")) != NULL)
		fclose(filePtr); //Didnt catch close errors here because there is allready an open error.
		perror("Sort");	// And code would be the same if there was error or no error

nBinaryTreeNode  *ReadFileToTree(char *fileName)// This will read the text file into the buffer array
  	FILE *filePtr;
	nBinaryTreeNode *BTRoot = NULL;

  	if((filePtr = fopen(fileName,"r")) != NULL)
    		char szReadLine[BUFSIZ]= {0};
    		while (fgets(szReadLine, sizeof(szReadLine), filePtr) != NULL)
			    BTRoot = AddBTNode (szReadLine, BTRoot);
		fclose(filePtr); //Didnt catch close errors here because there is allready an open error.
		perror("Sort"); // And code would be the same if there was error or no error
	return BTRoot;
void getInput(char *question, char array[BUFSIZ])
	char *arrayPtr = array;
	int i;

	for(i = 0;i < BUFSIZ;i++, arrayPtr++)
		if(*arrayPtr == '\n')
		   *arrayPtr = '\0';
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{	if(argc == 3 )
		char input[BUFSIZ];
		byColum = 't';
		getInput("Please enter the field Delimiter: \n",input);
		dilimeter =  input[0];
	    getInput("Please enter the colum number to sort by: \n",input);
		columNumber = strtol(input,NULL,10);
	if(argc == 2)
		nBinaryTreeNode *BTRoot = ReadFileToTree(argv[1]);
		printf("Sort.exe wOOt!. \n");
	else if(argc == 3 )

		nBinaryTreeNode *BTRoot = ReadFileToTree(argv[1]);
		printf("Sort.exe wOOt!. \n");
		printf("Sort: Incorrect argument \nSyntax: Sort [file to sort] [file to write sorted data too] \n/c \t \t \t \t Sort by colum \nPress Any key to Continue\n");