thanks to all that have looked at this but i still can't get the bubble sort to work, please help or i am F***ed, if i can see it coded then i will be able to see were i was going wrong. heres the code, I'm a beginner by the way(in case you cant tell. lol)
void datain(int, int[10000][3]);
void dataout(int, int[10000][3]);
void main()


int down,person[10000][3];

/*choose the size of table required*/
printf("Please enter the amount of the people required: \n\r");
printf("Amount of people required: %d\n\r",down);

/*validate user input*/
while ((down <=0) || (down > 100000))
printf("please re-enter the number of people required:\n\r");

/*Create table and input data*/
datain(down, person);

/*print out the table unsorted*/
dataout(down, person);

void datain(int numberofpeople, int person[10000][3])
/*load up person arrays*/
int array1;

for (array1 = 1; array1 <= numberofpeople; array1 ++)
printf("\n\rPlease input the person identification: ");

printf("Please input the person Wage: ");

printf("Please input the person Sex(0 is male and 1 is female): ");
/*validate user input*/
while ((person[array1][2] < 0) || (person[array1][2] > 1))
printf("please re-enter the sex data\n\r");

printf("Please input the person Age: ");
/*validate user input*/
while ((person[array1][3] < 16) || (person[array1][3] > 65))
printf("please re-enter the age data\n\r");

void dataout (int number,int person[10000][3])
int array;
printf(" \n\r The Unsorted Data:\n");
printf(" ---------------------\n\r");
printf("Personnal ID Wage Sex Age\n\r");
for (array=1; array<=number; array++)
/*select form of display from user*/
char nochmal;
char sort;
while (nochmal==1)
/*select display from user*/
printf("\n\rHow is the data to be sorted ?");
printf("\n\rAscending by Person ID,type a");
printf("\n\rAscending by Wage, type b");
printf("\n\rAscending by Age, type c");
printf("\n\rOnly females, type f");
printf("\n\rOnly males, type m\n\r");
/* Sort the data*/
if (sort == 'a')
if (sort == 'b')
if (sort == 'c')
if (sort == 'd')
if (sort == 'f')
if (sort == 'm');
int array, index, total;
for( index = 0; index < array - 1; index ++ )
for( array = 0; array < array - index + 1; index ++ )
if( person[array][0] > person[array + 1][0] )
total = person[array][0];
person[array][0] = person[array + 1][0];
person[array + 1][0] = total;

for (array = 0; array < array; array ++)
printf("Personnel ID: %d\t", person[array][0]);
printf("Wage: %d\t", person[array][1]);
printf("Sex: %d\t", person[array][2]);
printf("Age: %d\t\n", person[array][3]);
/*to resort the data*/
printf("Would you like to sort the data again Yes = y No = n \n");

