I'm trying to understand strcmp and not having much luck with it. What Im trying to do is input and compare 7 character strings with strcmp, re-order them accordingly and print out the result. I realize that scanf isnt the best thing to use but for the purposes of my program it works. I tried to be as simplistic as possible, and documented everything.

When I remove the compare two strings section, everything works. The input and output print correctly.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define N_STRINGS 7

int main(void) 

	int cnt;  //Intializes counter for display/accessing the array row
	int result; // Gives strcmp a place to put its output
	char w[N_STRINGS][100]; //Initializes the string array to the number of (N_STRINGS)
	char tmp; // Initializes the temp variable to swap strings

	printf("%s %d %s","This program will take", N_STRINGS,"lines of input and re-order them alphabetically\n"); 
	for (cnt = 0; cnt < N_STRINGS; ++cnt)  // For statement to fill the array
		if(w != '\n') //Continues to fill the buffer until newline is entered from the keyboard
			printf ("Enter line number %d\n", cnt + 1); 
			scanf("%s", w[cnt]);
	printf("%s","The lines you entered were:\n"); //Prints each line of the array using the line variable
	for (cnt = 0; cnt < N_STRINGS; ++cnt)
		printf("w[%d] = %s\n", cnt, w[cnt]);
	for (cnt = 0; cnt < N_STRINGS; ++cnt)
		result = strcmp(*w[cnt], *w[cnt + 1]);
		if (result > 0)
			tmp = *w[cnt];
			*w[cnt] = *w[cnt + 1];
			*w[cnt + 1] = tmp;
	printf("%s\n","Here is your sorted output.");
	printf("%s\n\n","Strings are sorted alphabetically");
	for (cnt = 0; cnt < N_STRINGS; ++cnt)
		printf("w[%d] = %s\n", cnt, w[cnt]);
	return 0;
The two things my code does is one, a white space character terminates the string and puts whatever follows the white space into the next row of the array. The second is strcmp doesnt seem to work as I have it, and documentation hasnt been very easy to find.