Hi guys, once more I am completely stumped on a C problem. The goal is to read in the perimeter of a shape that will be marked off by the user, then read in a point inside the shape that is given by the user. I then have to write a recursive function that will "fill" the shape until it reaches a boundary, starting from the point given.

I got as far as writing a function to read in the boundaries of the shape into a multidimensional array before I got stumped =/ Here's the code for reading in the array:

void initArray(char array[size][size])
	char current_char;
	int i=0;
	int j=0;

	printf("Enter a line of text:\n");
	while (true)
		case 'e': break;
		case ' ':break;
		case '\n':j++; i=0; break;
		default: array[i][j]=current_char; i++; break;
		if (current_char=='e') break;
Once again, thanks for the help.