I wrote this program to read a standard input file,
eliminate all vowels and write the consonants to an
output file. My problem is once the input file is
read the program keeps running only returning a
"yyyyyy....etc" character (seems to be an infinite
loop). How can I make this program end once the characters in the input file are read? Thanks.

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int is_vowel(int c);

int main(void)
       int c;
       FILE *ifp, *ofp;

       ifp = fopen("textin.txt", "r");
       ofp = fopen("textout.txt", "w");

       while ((c = getc(ifp)) != 'EOF') 
          if (!is_vowel(c)) 
                 putc(c, ofp);
  return 0;

int is_vowel(int c)
  c = toupper(c);

return c == 'A' || c == 'E' || c == 'I' || c == 'O' || c == 'U';